Tutorial by Topics: mixins

@mixin mixin-name ($argument1, $argument, ...){ ... }
class ClassName(MainClass, Mixin1, Mixin2, ...): # Used to declare a class with the name ClassName, main (first) class MainClass, and mixins Mixin1, Mixin2, etc. class ClassName(Mixin1, MainClass, Mixin2, ...): # The 'main' class doesn't have to be the first class; there's really no difference be...
class BeetleGuy implements Climbs, Bulletproof { } applyMixins (BeetleGuy, [Climbs, Bulletproof]); ParameterDescriptionderivedCtorThe class that you want to use as the composition classbaseCtorsAn array of classes to be added to the composition class There are three rules to bear in mind ...
Mixin with Guards .mixin-name(<arguments>) when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>) CSS Guards <selector> when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>) ParameterDetailsargumentsThe variables that are passed...
Mixins provide a way to compose and reuse commonly-used sets of component properties. They are defined using the <a-mixin> element and are placed in <a-assets>. Mixins should be set with an id, and when an entity sets that id as its mixin attribute, the entity will absorb all of the mixi...
The mixin classes provide the actions that are used to provide the basic view behavior. Note that the mixin classes provide action methods rather than defining the handler methods, such as .get() and .post(), directly. This allows for more flexible composition of behavior. -Official Django rest Fram...
Getting started guide using Sass exentsion Compass. Compass is very useful when dealing with CSS3 as it provides mixins to write 1 line in order to support every browser using CSS3 features. It is also great to include sprite images.

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