Tutorial by Topics: ms

The "scripts" property in package.json allows you to run npm packages locally. The "karma": "karma" script references the karma shell script is the node_modules/.bin directory. This reference needs to be grab and an alias needs to be applied to it in order to be use...
Introduction Unlike custom objects which have records based on them, custom settings let you utilize custom data sets across your org, or distinguish particular users or profiles based on custom criteria. This means, for example, that admins can edit hierarchy custom settings to deactivate Work...
Build Systems are written in JSON, and have the file extension .sublime-build. Build Systems are output-only, meaning it is not possible to execute some code that will request user input using the build system. The code will just block waiting for input forever. To work around this, many pe...
The commands in a Vimscript file are executed in command mode by default. Therefore all non-command mode directives should be prefixed.
Features Visual Studio Team Services has many cool stufs such as: Private and unlimited repositories Seamless integration with Visual Studio Integrated with Azure Support for different version control systems (Git and Team Foundation Version Control) Support for plugins Performance &amp...
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="" TextMode="" Text="" /> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="" OnItemDataBound=""> <HeaderTemplate></HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate></ItemTemplate> <FooterTe...
:[range]py[thon] {statement}
A bottom sheet is a sheet that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen. Bottom sheets slide up from the bottom of the screen to reveal more content. They were added to the Android Support Library in v23.2.0 version.
Every stream has a scheme and a target: <scheme>://<target> Parameter NameDescriptionStream ResourceThe data provider consisting of the <scheme>://<target> syntax Streams are essentially a transfer of data between an origin and a destination, to paraphrase Josh Loc...

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