Tutorial by Topics: per

Data vs Computed Properties The main use-case difference for the data and computed properties of a Vue instance is dependent on the potential state or probability of changing of the data. When deciding what category a certain object should be, these questions might help: Is this a constant ...
result = expression1 AndAlso expression2 result = expression1 OrElse expression2 ParameterDetailsresultRequired. Any Boolean expression. The result is the Boolean result of comparison of the two expressions.expression1Required. Any Boolean expression.expression2Required. Any Boolean express...
Linq queries are written using the Standard Query Operators (which are a set of extension methods that operates mainly on objects of type IEnumerable<T> and IQueryable<T>) or using Query Expressions (which at compile time, are converted to Standard Query Operator method calls). Query ...
Bit shift operations are not portable across all processor architectures, different processors can have different bit-widths. In other words, if you wrote int a = ~0; int b = a << 1; This value would be different on a 64 bit machine vs. on a 32 bit machine, or from an x86 based processo...
NameInfoasp-actionThe name of the action method to which the form should be posted toasp-controllerThe name of the controller where the action method specified in asp-action existsasp-route-*Custom route values you want to add as querystring to the form action attribute value. Replace 8 with the q...
In most cases, the spread operator *. is identical to calling .collect { it.________ }. def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'fish'] assert animals*.length() == animals.collect { it.length() } But if the subject is null, they behave a differently: def animals = null assert animals*.length() == null...
Dependency Properties are a type of property that extend out a CLR property. Whereas a CLR property is read directly from a member of your class, a Dependency Property will be dynamically resolved when calling the GetValue() method that your object gains via inheritance from the base DependencyObje...
The interface INotifyPropertyChanged is needed whenever you need to make your class report the changes happening to its properties. The interface defines a single event PropertyChanged. With XAML Binding the PropertyChanged event is wired up automatically so you only need to implement the INotify...
C = union(A,B); C = intersect(A,B); C = setdiff(A,B); a = ismember(A,x); ParameterDetailsA,Bsets, possibly matrices or vectorsxpossible element of a set

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