Tutorial by Topics: rs

Most command line tools rely on arguments passed to the program upon its execution. Instead of prompting for input, these programs expect data or specific flags (which become booleans) to be set. This allows both the user and other programs to run the Python file passing it data as it starts. This s...
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (condition1) AND (condition2); SELECT * FROM table WHERE (condition1) OR (condition2);
TargetType target = (SourceType) source;
{{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter }} {{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter(args) }} ParameterDetailsvalueThe value passed in by Jinja, to be filteredargsExtra arguments to be passed into the filter function
by.css('css-selector') by.id('id') by.model('model') by.binding('binding') ParameterDetailscss-selectorA css selector like '.class-name' to select the element on the base of class nameidId of the dom elementmodelModel used for dom elementbindingName of the binding which is used to bound t...
xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"       // namespace declaration
A great deal of regex engines use a "multi-line" mode in order to search several lines in a file independently. Therefore when using $, these engines will match all lines' endings. However, engines that do not use this kind of multi-line mode will only match the last position of the st...
When an event "fires" (which means the same as "publishing an event" or "emitting an event"), each listener will be called synchronously (source), along with any accompanying data that was passed in to emit(), no matter how many arguments you pass in: myDog.on('bark'...
A function is basically a named block of code. When you call the function name, the script block within that function runs. It is a list of PowerShell statements that has a name that you assign. When you run a function, you type the function name.It is a method of saving time when tackling repetitiv...

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