Tutorial by Topics: se

How to validade user inputs. Validation constrains the values a user can input into a cell, and/or set a combobox for the user select the value for the cell. Optionally, a message can be displayed when the user clicks in a cell and a message error, when the validation fails.
MySQL offers FULLTEXT searching. It searches tables with columns containing text for the best matches for words and phrases. FULLTEXT searching works strangely on tables containing small numbers of rows. So, when you're experimenting with it, you may find it helpful to obtain a medium-sized ta...
In order to use custom tags in JSP,we used to have TLD files,along with a Java class to define the custom tags but post JSP 2.0 specs,the same can be achieved,without the need for any Source code files,making it easy to maintain and it can also be created by someone with basic knowledge of JSP tags ...
You can use hierarchical queries to retrieve data based on a natural hierarchical relationship between rows in a table
Sometimes your SSH session stops responding. You can easily get out of that session using the following trick.
Seaside is a web framework for Pharo and other smalltalks. It is ideal for complex applications with a rich domain model.
Retrolambda is a library which allows to use Java 8 lambda expressions, method references and try-with-resources statements on Java 7, 6 or 5. The Gradle Retrolambda Plug-in allows to integrate Retrolambda into a Gradle based build. This allows for example to use these constructs in an Android appl...
A SparseArray is an alternative for a Map. A Map requires its keys to be objects. The phenomenon of autoboxing occurs when we want to use a primitive int value as key. The compiler automatically converts primitive values to their boxed types (e.g. int to Integer). The difference in memory footprint ...
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost. Using FCM, you can notify a client app that new email or other data is available to sync. You can send notification messages to drive user reengagement and retention. For use ca...
Currently .Net Core does not include support to send emails like System.Net.Mail from .Net. MailKit project (which is available on nuget) is a nice library for this purpose.
The Sequential model is a linear stack of layers.
This section shows basic code for reading, sub-setting and writing external data files using pandas.
A very basic ASP.Net example of the bare minimum of code to create a WebService. In a separate StackOverflow Documentation post, we'll look at consuming this Calculator WebService.
This is an explanation of a common pattern and generally considered best practice that you may see in AngularJS code.
Now you can define Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process as code with Jenkins 2.0 for your projects in iOS 10. Activities like to build, test, code coverage, check style, reports, and notifications can be described in only one file. To read the complete article go to Pipeli...
According to DRF official documentation, serializers helps to convert complex data like querysets and model instance to native python data types so that it could be rendered as JSON, XML and other content types. The serializers in DRF are more like django Form and ModelForm class. Serializer class ...
Quick examples for MID LEFT and RIGHT string functions using INSTR FIND and LEN. How do you find the text between two search terms (Say: after a colon and before a comma)? How do you get the remainder of a word (using MID or using RIGHT)? Which of these functions use Zero-based params and return c...
The easiest way to create a RESTful API in Grails is to expose a domain class as a REST resource. This can be done by adding the grails.rest.Resource transformation to any domain class.
A geometric line is a straight line that extends to infinity in both directions. This distinguishes it from the segment or the ray, which end et some point, and also from the curve or polygon, which need not be straight. There are different ways how a line may be presented. Each comes with its own ...

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