Tutorial by Topics: se

Kafka stores and transports byte arrays in its queue. The (de)serializers are responsible for translating between the byte array provided by Kafka and POJOs. public void configure(Map<String, ?> config, boolean isKey); public T deserialize(String topic, byte[] bytes); public byte[] ser...
This article give idea's about setup and installing Asp.Net core with visual studio code. Also create basic MVC template and debugging. Steps involved below... Step 1 - installing Visual studio code. Step 2 - Configuring .Net core and C#. Step 3 - Create Basic MVC Template. Step 4 - Execute and...
ActiveModelSerializers, or AMS for short, bring 'convention over configuration' to your JSON generation. ActiveModelSerializers work through two components: serializers and adapters. Serializers describe which attributes and relationships should be serialized. Adapters describe how attributes and...
Schemas are used by some connectors (Kafka, RabbitMQ) to turn messages into Java objects and vice-versa.
set is a type of container whose elements are sorted and unique.  multiset is similar, but, in the case of multiset, multiple elements can have the same value. Different styles of C++ have been used in those examples.  Be careful that if you are using a C++98 compiler; some of this code may no...
The Mockito docs have an excellent example of how to provide a sequence of answers for multiple calls to a mock. However, they don't cover how to do that for a method that returns void, other than noting that stubbing void methods require using the do family of methods. Remember, for non-void ...
A deep understanding of how Transaction searches function is crucial knowledge for every NetSuite developer, but the default behaviour of these searches, and controlling that behaviour, can be quite confusing initially. References: NetSuite Help page: "Using Main Line in Transaction Se...
When retrieving a document from an external system, it requires us to ensure the correct document extension is affixed to the document. The sample code shows how to store a document properly in NetSuite's File Cabinet as well as attaching it to its corresponding record.
R includes two date-time classes -- POSIXct and POSIXlt -- see ?DateTimeClasses. Pitfalls With POSIXct, midnight will display only the date and time zone, though the full time is still stored. Related topics Date and Time Specialized packages lubridate
AppleScript is able to retrieve the URL of the current tab of a browser.
If you need more info, you can go and see official microsoft documentation
Headless processes (with no UI) in Windows are called Services. They can be controlled (started, stopped, etc) using standard Windows controls such as the command console, Powershell or the Services tab in Task Manager. A good example might be an application that provides network services, such as a...
If you find the arguments for type systems persuasive in general, then you'll be happy with TypeScript. It brings many of the advantages of type system (safety, readability, improved tooling) to the JavaScript ecosystem. It also suffers from some of the drawbacks of type systems (added complexity a...
Vala support various flavours of classes. Both glib-2.0 and gobject-2.0 dependencies are required unless --nostdpkg is explicitly given.
Quick overview of Rails engines Engines are small Rails applications that can be used to add functionalities to the application hosting them. The class defining a Ruby on Rails application is Rails::Application which actually inherits a lot of its behavior from Rails::Engine, the class defining an ...

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