Tutorial by Topics: se

Using the Users API is a very simple and flexible way to work the authentication in App Engine, but please make sure that your application cases don't require more elements for the authentication environment. Note: If you need more information about the traditional structure of an App Engine app, p...
Different methods and their arguments are used to achieve the wished behaviour of your telegram bot, which you created by now (hopefully). The basic structure of a query is (as mentioned in "Create a bot with the BotFather"): https://api.telegram.org/bot*BOTTOKEN*/*METHOD*?*ARGUMENT1*=*V...
This section provides an overview of what greasemonkey is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within greasemonkey, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for greasemonkey is new, you may need to create initial versions of tho...
This is an introduction to Selenium, using Java. While we don't expect you to know anything regarding Selenium, you have to have prior Java knowledge to follow this course. Download Links : Selenium IntelliJ IDEA ChromeDriver JDK 8
This Documentation describe how to build a three node Mongo replica set using Docker Image and auto provisioned using Chef.
Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER or any other design patterns to choose the best approach to building an app
When setting up voters to use with sonata-admin, there are a few pitfalls, the steps shown here should get you up and running, so that sonata properly takes the voters into account, when rendering the edit, show and delete buttons, when building the sidebar, when running the batch actions, basically...
Export a Fuse.View from fusetools and use it inside an existing android project. Our goal is to export the entire hikr sample app and use it inside an Activity. Final work can be found @lucamtudor/hikr-fuse-view
Kibana is front end data visualization tool for elasticsearch. for installing kibana refer to the kibana documentation. For running kibana on localhost go to https://localhost:5601 and go to kibana console.
The basic thing to remember here is that debugging a Hadoop MR job is going to be similar to any remotely debugged application in Eclipse. A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs (the “target” program). It is greatly useful specially for a Ha...
A-Frame has an asset management system that allows us to place our assets in one place and to preload and cache assets for better performance. Games and rich 3D experiences traditionally preload their assets, such as models or textures, before rendering their scenes. This makes sure that assets are...
I've used various Stackoverflow examples and answers to come to this really simple example on how to manage "select all" checkbox coupled with an automatic check/uncheck if any of the group checkbox status changes. Constraint: The "select all" id must match the input names to cr...
Image assets are used to manage and organize different types of image assets in our iOS app using Xcode. These assets can be App Icons, Launch Images, images used throughout the app, full size images, random sized images etc.
In Spring Web MVC, DispatcherServlet class works as the front controller. It is responsible for managing the flow of the spring MVC application. DispatcherServlet is also like normal servlet need to be configured in web.xml
Setting or getting window size of any browser during automation driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.manage().window().setSize(DimensionObject); driver.manage().window().getSize()
Firebase Query can be used to order a collection of data based on some attributes as well as restricted to the large list of items (for like chat data) down to a number suitable for synchronizing to the client. Just as with a Reference, you can receive data from a Query by using the on() method. Yo...
CustomErrors are a legacy (backwards compatable) element, used by Visual Studio Development Server (aka. VSDS or Cassini). httpErrors are the new element which is only used by IIS7.
Select keyword can be used for getting input argument in a menu format.

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