Tutorial by Topics: system

public static void GUILayout.Label(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static bool GUILayout.Button(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options) public static string GUILayout.TextArea(string text, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
In Bosun notifications are used for both new alert incidents and when an alert is acked/closed/etc. If you don't want the other events to trigger a notification add runOnActions = false to the notification definition. See Notification Overview for more examples.
If you use an IDE and/or build system, it is much easier to set up this kind of project. You create a main application module, then API module, then create a plugin module and make it dependent on the API module or both. Next, you configure where the project artifacts are to be put - in our case t...
It is important to Dispose a System.Net.MailMessage because every single attachment contains a Stream and these Streams need to be freed as soon as possible. The using statement ensures that the Disposable object is Disposed also in case of Exceptions
This section provides an overview of what operating-system is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within operating-system, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for operating-system is new, you may need to create initial vers...
export PS1="something" # displayes when bash awaits a command to be typed in export PS2="anotherthing" # dsplayed when statement extends to more lines export PS3="question prompt for select statement" # seldomly used prompt for select. First set PS3 to your need...
This section provides an overview of what systemjs is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within systemjs, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for systemjs is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related to...
This is a documentation about playing audio in Unity3D.
C++, like C, has a long and varied history regarding compilation workflows and build processes. Today, C++ has various popular build systems that are used to compile programs, sometimes for multiple platforms within one build system. Here, a few build systems will be reviewed and analyzed. Current...
This section contains information about various operating systems available for the Raspberry Pi's.
The Qt Resource system is a way to embed files within your project. Each resource file can have one or more prefixes and each prefix can have files in it. Each file in the resources is a link to a file on the file system. When the executable is built, the files are bundled into the executable, so t...
Collection of commands to fetch system related information.
This allows you to put a Web browser into your WPF application. A key point to note, which is not obvious from the documentation, and you could go for years without knowing is that it defaults to behaving like InternetExplorer7, rather than your most up-to-date InternetExplorer installation (s...
The Materialize CSS framework has a semantic, 12-column grid system that's incredibly easy to use. The grid helps you layout your page in an ordered, easy fashion.
A system, of the entity-component-system pattern, provides global scope, services, and management to classes of components. It provides public APIs (methods and properties) for classes of components. A system can be accessed through the scene element, and can help components interface with the globa...

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