Tutorial by Topics: tex

These “hacks” may be used to target a specific browser/client. This may be used to work around browser rendering differences by applying styles in one of those wrappers listed above.
[A block formatting context is a part of a visual CSS rendering of a Web page. It is the region in which the layout of block boxes occurs and in which floats interact with each other.][1] [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Block_formatting_context MDN
An assumption which pops up regularly is that when dealing with English text only, it’s unlikely to encounter characters outside the ASCII character set. To avoid problems with handling Unicode correctly, people are tempted to do things like stripping non-ASCII characters, or removing any accents ...
If you want to offer suggestions to the user when they type in an editable text field, you can use an AutoCompleteTextView. It provides suggestions automatically when the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can select one to replace the cont...
This section provides an overview of what text is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within text, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for text is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.
A Synchronization Context is an abstraction that allows consuming to code to pass units of work to a scheduler, without requiring awareness of how the work will be scheduled. Synchronization contexts are traditionally used to ensure that code is run on a specific thread. In WPF and Winforms appli...
Remember that Angular 2 is all about singular responsibility. No matter how small your component is, dedicate a separate logic for each and every component. Be it a button, a fancy anchor link, a dialog header or even a sidenav's sub item.
TextInputLayout was introduced to display the floating label on EditText. The EditText has to be wrapped by TextInputLayout in order to display the floating label. TextInputLayout is a layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the us...
These are two sample programs that work together. One is a simple server, the other a simple client. Start the server in one window: python tserver.py Edit the server address in the client source file if desired. Then run python tclient.py The client connects to the server, then asks for i...
This section provides an overview of what android-edittext is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within android-edittext, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for android-edittext is new, you may need to create initial vers...
In the first versions of iText, there was only one font class: Font. With this font, you could create a Font object for fourteen fonts from five font families: Helvetica (regular, bold, oblique, bold-oblique), Times Roman (regular, bold, italic, bold-italic), Courier (regular, bold, oblique, bold...
Creating a document in which you have to switch between styles frequently tends to be tedious in iText 5. You need to create a lot of Chunk objects and you always have to make a trade-off between applying the styles directly to every new Chunk or creating a helper method that creates the Chunk for...
The iText 5 class names PdfPTable and PdfPCell were chosen because we already had classes named Table and Cell to create table and cell objects at the highest programming level. There was also a class named PdfTable to be used by iText internally. Those classes had a lot of flaws and they were dep...
The code to convert a plain text file to a PDF document is pretty simple whether you use iText 5 or iText 7. In iText 7, you have the advantage that you can define the alignment at the level of the document. In iText 5, you have to set the alignment for every separate Paragraph object. To underst...
In iText 5, you can't use the add() method to add a Paragraph to a Document if you want to organize the content in columns. We can't reuse the code of the Text2Pdf.java (iText 5) example. Instead we have to create a ColumnText object, we have to add all the Paragraph objects to this object, and o...
In iText 5, we introduced the concept of page events to allow developers to add specific behavior when a document is opened, when a new page is opened, when a page ends, and when a document is closed. In the documentation, we made it very clear that it was forbidden to add content in the onStartP...
In the original design for iText, it was possible to create a high-level Document object, and then have different DocListener objects listening to that Document object. This was achieved by using different writers: a PdfWriter, an HTMLWriter, and an RtfWriter. When using a PdfWriter, a PdfDocument...

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