These are loops in which their loop body contains no other loops (the innermost loop in case of nested).
In order to have loop coverage, testers should exercise the tests given below.
Test 1 :Design a test in which loop body shouldn’t execute at all (i.e. zero iterations)
Test 2 :Design a test in which loop–control variable be negative (Negative number of iterations)
Test 3 :Design a test in which loop iterates only once
Test 4 :Design a test in which loop iterates twice
Test 5 :Design a test in which loop iterates certain number of times , say m where m < maximum number of iterations possible
Test 6 :Design a test in which loop iterates one less than the maximum number of iterations
Test 7 :Design a test in which loop iterates the maximum number of iterations
Test 8 :Design a test in which loop iterates one more than the maximum number of iterations
Consider the below code example which applies all the conditions specified.
public class SimpleLoopTest {
private int[] numbers = {5,-77,8,-11,4,1,-20,6,2,10};
/** Compute total of positive numbers in the array
* @param numItems number of items to total.
public int findSum(int numItems)
int total = 0;
if (numItems <= 10)
for (int count=0; count < numItems; count = count + 1)
if (numbers[count] > 0)
total = total + numbers[count];
return total;
public class TestPass extends TestCase {
public void testname() throws Exception {
SimpleLoopTest s = new SimpleLoopTest();
assertEquals(0, s.findSum(0)); //Test 1
assertEquals(0, s.findSum(-1)); //Test 2
assertEquals(5, s.findSum(1)); //Test 3
assertEquals(5, s.findSum(2)); //Test 4
assertEquals(17, s.findSum(5)); //Test 5
assertEquals(26, s.findSum(9)); //Test 6
assertEquals(36, s.findSum(10)); //Test 7
assertEquals(0, s.findSum(11)); //Test 8