$man <command>
Displays the on-line manual pages for the command
Clears the terminal screen
Returns the working directory name
$echo <string>
Writes the string to the standard output
$printf <string>
Format and print the string Example: print $PATH $printf “%s\n” $PATH
Show how long system has been running
$which <program>
Locate a program file in the user’s path
$whereis <program>
Checks the standard binary directories for the specified programs, printing out the
$cd [directory]
Change directory Commonly used directory symbols:
$ls -a : Show hidden files
$ls -l : Show long list
$ls -1 : Show just the filename per line
$ls -h : Human readable format
$file Determine file type (e.g. gzip)
Display content of a file one screen at a time
spacebar : Scroll to next screen; b=previous screen
enter : Scroll one line
h : Help for more
q : Quit help
$less <file>
Less is a program similar to more, but which allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement
$cat <file>
Reads files sequentially, writing them to the standard output
$head [-number] <file>
Display first lines of a file
$tail [-number] <file>
Displays the contents of file or, by default, its standard input, to the standard output
$touch <file>
Sets the modification and access times of files. If any file does not exist, it is created with default permissions
$tee <file>
Copies standard input to standard output. Press ctrl-d to stop adding content
$mkdir <directory>
Create a directory
Display the number of lines, words, and bytes contained in each input file, or standard input
$diff <file1> <file2>
Compare two files line by line. Will print only the different lines.
$locate <file>
Locate files on disk
$find <path> <expression> <action>
Search for files by name or content
$rm <file or directory>
Delete <file or directory>
Example: Delete the and it’s content $rm -r
$mv <source_file> <target_file>
Renames a file
$mv <source_file> <target_directory>
Moves a file
Example: move directory up in hierarchy $mv ..
Copy a file/directory within the same machine (Use scp command to copy to a remote machine)
Example: Copy and rename a file
$cp <file_name> <new_file_name>
Example: Copy to directory
$cp <file_name> <directory_name>
Example: Copy and rename a directory
$cp -R <directory> <new_directory>
Example: Copy all files of specific type to a directory
$cp *.txt <directory>
$ln -s <file> <link name>
Create an alias (link) to a file
$sort <file>
Sort the content of a file -r reverse sorts -n numeric sort
Example: sort the and write the result to sorted.txt $sort | uniq -u > sorted.txt
$uniq [-ucd] filename(s)
Looks for duplicate lines. Data must be sorted first
$grep <pattern> <file_name>
Prints lines that contain a match for a pattern.
$tr “string1” [“string 2”]
Search and replace tool. tr only accepts its input from pipes and redirections. it doesn’t accept files as input.
Example: Print a.txt to screen after deleting all occurences of “;” $cat a.txt | tr -d “;”
Example: $echo “SSSS SS” | tr -s “S” “S”
Creates and manipulates streaming archive files. This implementation can extract from tar, pax, cpio, zip, jar, ar, and ISO images and can create tar, pax, cpio, ar, and shar archives.
$du [file or directory]
Display the file system block usage for each file or directory. If no file/directory is specified, the block usage of the current directory is displayed.
Display free disk space
> Redirect standard output. Dont overwrite file if it exists
>! Redirect standard output. Overwrite file if it exists
>& Redirect standard output and standard error
Example: Redirect command output into a file
$ls > result.txt
Use > /dev/null file to dispose of errors message
Example: Find a file named my_file_name and print the result to ~/find.txt; Hide errors (e.g. “permissions denied”)
$find / -name my_file_name.* > /dev/null > ~/find.txt
< Redirect standard input
>> Append standard output <command> >> : Append output to the end of an existing
<command> < : Redirect input to a command from a file
| Redirect standard output to another command (pipe)
Example: Show paginated details of running processes
$ps -ex | more
| : Pipe output of command1 to be the input of command2 (If an output file is desired in the middle of a pipe use the tee command)
Example: Count the number of connected users
$who | wc -l
Show active processes
Example: Find processes by name $grep -l <process_name_regex>
$kill [-signal] pid
Kill a process.
Some of the more commonly used signals:
Display and update sorted information about processes See man pages for list of possible keys. common keys are: cpu, threads, ports
Display and update sorted information about processes
$sudo <command>
Execute the command as a super user
(substitute user) opens a session as an admin
Exit root
Display effective user id
Print all connected user names
Change password
$chmod <who> <operation> <permissions> <file or directory name>
Change owner/group access to a file or directory
Who: u user; g group; o other; a all above
Operation: + add; - remove; = set (meaning reset to nothing and set only what was specified)
Permissions: r w x
Example: Adds read/execute permissions to group
$chmod g +rx <file>
$chmod 743 <file>
Note that to $cd into a directory you need the x permissions