To setup a WebRTC-based communication system, you need three main components:
A WebRTC signaling server
To establish a WebRTC connections, peers need to contact a signaling server, which then provides the address information the peers require to set up a peer-to-peer connection. Signaling servers are for example:
A WebRTC client application
The client accesses either a browser's WebRTC implementation through a JavaScript API or uses a WebRTC library (i.e. as part of a desktop or mobile app). To establish the connection to a peer, the client first needs to connect to the signaling server. Examples for WebRTC clients are:
OpenWebRTC, a cross-platform client with mobile focus
Peer.js A browser-based client (Peer.js also provides a light-weight server)
A STUN/TURN server
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) enables peers to exchange address information even if they are behind routers employing Network Adress Translation (NAT). If network restrictions prevent peers from communication directly at all, the traffic is routed via a Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) server. You find a detailed and graphical explanation of STUN and TURN at Examples for WebRTC STUN/TURN servers are: