Xcode by itself has quite a few good tools built in, but sometimes you just want to change a specific behavior or create a convenience shortcut. That's why there's Alcatraz.
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/deploy/Scripts/install.sh | sh
Throw this in a terminal, restart Xcode and you're good to go.
A few popular ones include:
- Type three /
above any method, class, ... declaration to add documentationXcodeColors
- Colored console logs, e. g. using CocoaLumberjackFuzzyAutocomplete
- Type "NSog" and still get NSLog
- Set -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies
under Other Swift flags
in the build settings and optimize your Swift build timeOf course there are many more and some are so good, Apple already implemented them into Xcode 8 (FuzzyAutocomplete and VVDocumenter for example)
⌘ + ⇧ + 9
or use this menu to open up the Package manager.
Click install on any package you want installed and afterwards restart Xcode again.