The subtypes' stream-oriented attributes are called to write objects to a file, bare and using binary default representations.
with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
procedure Main is
type Fruit is (Banana, Orange, Pear);
type Color_Value is range 0 .. 255;
type Color is record
R, G, B : Color_Value;
end record;
Fruit_Colors : constant array (Fruit) of Color :=
(Banana => Color'(R => 243, G => 227, B => 18),
Orange => Color'(R => 251, G => 130, B => 51),
Pear => Color'(R => 158, G => 181, B => 94));
use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
F : File_Type;
Create (F, Name => "file.bin");
for C in Fruit_Colors'Range loop
Fruit'Write (Stream (F), C);
Color'Write (Stream (F), Fruit_Colors (C));
end loop;
Close (F);
end Main;
00000000 00 2e f3 00 e3 00 12 00 01 2e fb 00 82 00 33 00
00000010 02 2e 9e 00 b5 00 5e 00