Registers: 8 bit: A
, B
, C
, D
, E
, H
, L
, F
, I
, R
, 16 bit: SP
, PC
, IX
, IY
, and shadows of some 8b registers: A'
, B'
, C'
, D'
, E'
, H'
, L'
and F'
Most of the 8 bit registers can be used also in pairs as 16 bit registers: AF
, BC
, DE
and HL
is stack pointer, marking the bottom of stack memory (used by PUSH
is program counter, pointing to the currently executed instruction.
is Interrupt register, supplying high byte of vector table address for IM 2
interrupt mode.
is refresh register, it increments each time the CPU fetches an opcode (or opcode prefix).
Some unofficial instructions exist on some Z80 processors to manipulate 8bit parts of IX
and IY
Shadow variants can't be directly accessed by any instruction, the EX AF,AF'
instruction will swap between AF
and AF'
, and EXX
instruction will swap BC,DE,HL
with BC',DE',HL'
Loading value into a register:
; from other register
LD I,A ; copies value in A into I (8 bit)
LD BC,HL ; copies value in HL into BC (16 bit)
; directly with value encoded in instruction machine code
LD B,d8 ; 8b value d8 into B
LD DE,d16 ; 16b value d16 into DE
; from a memory (ROM/RAM)
LD A,(HL) ; value from memory addressed by HL into A
LD A,(a16) ; value from memory with address a16 into A
LD HL,(a16) ; 16b value from memory with address a16 into HL
POP IX ; 16b value popped from stack into IX
LD A,(IY+a8) ; IX and IY allows addressing with 8b offset
; from I/O port (for writing value at I/O port use "OUT")
IN A,(C) ; reads I/O port C, value goes to A
Correct combinations of possible source and destination operands are limited (for example LD H,(a16)
does not exist).
Storing value into a memory:
LD (HL),D ; value D stored into memory addressed by HL
LD (a16),A ; value A into memory with address a16
LD (a16),HL ; value HL into 16b of memory with address a16
LD (IX+a8),d8 ; value d8 into memory at address IX+a8
LD (IY+a8),B ; value B into memory at address IY+a8
; specials ;)
PUSH DE ; 16b value DE pushed to stack
CALL a16 ; while primarily used for execution branching
; it also stores next instruction address into stack