Show a "Hello World!" in message box.
MsgBox, Hello World!
Show "Hello World!" stored in variable MyString in message box.
MyString := "Hello World!"
MsgBox, %MyString%
Show a "Hello World!" in tooltip.
Tooltip, Hello World!
Show a "Hello World!" message in the traybar edit.
TrayTip,, Hello World!
Show "Hello World!" in a GUI window.
Gui, Add, Text,, Hello World!
Gui, Add, Edit,, Hello World!
Gui, Show
GuiClose() {
Prints "Hello, World!" to Standard Output (stdout).
FileAppend, % "Hello, World!", *
Simulate typing "Hello, World!" when pressing enter
Enter::Send, Hello World{!}
Create a new file called HelloWorld.txt
FileAppend,, HelloWorld.txt
When typing the word "Hello" followed by a space or enter it will be replaced by "Hello World"
::Hello::Hello World