cordova-plugin-battery-status - used for monitoring device's battery status.
cordova-plugin-camera - provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.
cordova-plugin-contacts - provides access to the device contacts database.
cordova-plugin-device - describes the device's hardware and software.
cordova-plugin-device-motion - access to the device's accelerometer.
cordova-plugin-file - implements a File API allowing read/write access to files residing on the device.
cordova-plugin-geolocation - provides information about the device's location, such as latitude and longitude.
cordova-plugin-globalization - obtains information and performs operations specific to the user's locale, language, and timezone.
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser - show helpful articles, videos, and web resources inside of your app. Users can view web pages without leaving your app.
cordova-plugin-network-information - provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection, and whether the device has an internet connection.
cordova-plugin-vibration - provides a way to vibrate the device.
cordova-plugin-statusbar - provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar.
cordova-plugin-whitelist - implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0. Recommended plugin!
For cordova specific plugins follow below link