EntityFrameworkExtras.EFCore is a NuGet library that provides some useful additions to Entity Framework, such as executing Stored Procedures with User-Defined Table Types and Output Parameters.
- Many times you need to pass a group of records in stored procedure using user-defined table type.
- But Entity Framework does not support user-defined type by default.
- This library supports user-defined types in Entity Framework.
User-Defined Types
- The User-Defined Table Types (UDTTs) and Table-Valued Parameters (TVPs) were first introduced in SQL Server 2008.
- Before SQL Server 2008, it was not possible to pass a table variable in a stored procedure as a parameter.
- Now we can pass a Table-Valued Parameter to send multiple rows of data to a stored procedure or a function without creating a temporary table or passing so many parameters.
You can easily install it from the Package Manager Console window by running the following command.
PM> Install-Package Audit.EntityFramework.Core