Like list, simplest function over iolist and bitstring is:
-spec loop(iolist()) -> ok | {ok, iolist} .
loop(<<>>) ->
loop(<<Head, Tail/bitstring>>) ->
loop(<<Rest/bitstring>>) ->
{ok, Rest}
You can call it like this:
Here the recursive function expansion:
loop(<<"a"/bitstring, "bc"/bitstring>>) ->
loop(<<"b"/bitstring, "c"/bitstring>>) ->
loop(<<"c"/bitstring>>) ->
loop(<<>>) ->
This code take bitstring and dynamically define binary size of it. So if, if we set a size of 4
, every 4
bits, a data will be matched. This loop do nothing interesting, its just our pillar.
loop(Bitstring, Size)
when is_bitstring(Bitstring), is_integer(Size) ->
case Bitstring of
<<>> ->
<<Head:Size/bitstring,Tail/bitstring>> ->
loop(Tail, Size);
<<Rest/bitstring>> ->
{ok, Rest}
You can call it like this:
loop(<<"abc">>, 4).
Here the recursive function expansion:
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 22, 38, 3:4>>, 4) ->
loop(<<1:4/bitstring, "bc">>, 4) ->
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 38,3:4>>, 4) ->
loop(<<2:4/bitstring, "c">>, 4) ->
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 3:4>>, 4) ->
loop(<<3:4/bitstring>>, 4) ->
loop(<<>>, 4) ->
Our bitstring is splitted over 7 patterns. Why? Because by default, Erlang use binary size of 8
bits, if we split it in two, we have 4
bits. Our string is 8*3=24
bits. 24/4=6
patterns. Last pattern is <<>>
. loop/2
function is called 7 times.
Now, we can do more interesting thing. This function take one more argument, an anonymous function. Everytime we match a pattern, this one will be passed to it.
-spec loop(iolist(), integer(), function()) -> ok.
loop(Bitstring, Size, Fun) ->
when is_bitstring(Bitstring), is_integer(Size), is_function(Fun) ->
case Bitstring of
<<>> ->
<<Head:Size/bitstring,Tail/bitstring>> ->
loop(Tail, Size, Fun);
<<Rest/bitstring>> ->
{ok, Rest}
You can call it like this:
Fun = fun(X) -> io:format("~p~n", [X]) end.
loop(<<"abc">>, 4, Fun).
Here the recursive function expansion:
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 22, 38, 3:4>>, 4, Fun(<<6:4>>) ->
loop(<<1:4/bitstring, "bc">>, 4, Fun(<<1:4>>)) ->
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 38,3:4>>, 4, Fun(<<6:4>>)) ->
loop(<<2:4/bitstring, "c">>, 4, Fun(<<2:4>>)) ->
loop(<<6:4/bitstring, 3:4>>, 4, Fun(<<6:4>>) ->
loop(<<3:4/bitstring>>, 4, Fun(<<3:4>>) ->
loop(<<>>, 4) ->
This one is similar to lists:map/2
but for bitstring and iolist.
% public function (interface).
-spec loop(iolist(), fun()) -> iolist() | {iolist(), iolist()}.
loop(Bitstring, Fun) ->
loop(Bitstring, 8, Fun).
% public function (interface).
-spec loop(iolist(), integer(), fun()) -> iolist() | {iolist(), iolist()}.
loop(Bitstring, Size, Fun) ->
loop(Bitstring, Size, Fun, <<>>)
% private function.
-spec loop(iolist(), integer(), fun(), iolist()) -> iolist() | {iolist(), iolist()}.
loop(<<>>, _, _, Buffer) ->
loop(Bitstring, Size, Fun, Buffer) ->
when is_bitstring(Bitstring), is_integer(Size), is_function(Fun) ->
case Bitstring of
<<>> ->
<<Head:Size/bitstring,Tail/bitstring>> ->
Data = Fun(Head),
BufferReturn = <<Buffer/bitstring, Data/bitstring>>,
loop(Tail, Size, Fun, BufferReturn);
<<Rest/bitstring>> ->
{Buffer, Rest}
This code seems more complexe. Two functions were added: loop/2
and loop/3
. These two functions are simple interface to loop/4
You can execute it like this:
Fun = fun(<<X>>) -> << (X+1) >> end.
loop(<<"abc">>, Fun).
% will return <<"bcd">>
Fun = fun(<<X:4>>) -> << (X+1) >> end.
loop(<<"abc">>, 4, Fun).
% will return <<7,2,7,3,7,4>>
loop(<<"abc">>, 4, Fun, <<>>).
% will return <<7,2,7,3,7,4>>