Tutorial by Examples

The hard part is over! Now just create the credentials to be used in Jenkins. Use your own Username and the passphrase used to create the SSH Key. This is what it should look like now (with your own private github repo and user name:
Save and run a test pull request and your should no longer have any further problems with having Jenkins use SSH on your Windows build machine.
OutputStream and InputStream have many different classes, each of them with a unique functionality. By wrapping a stream around another, you gain the functionality of both streams. You can wrap a stream any number of times, just take note of the ordering. Useful combinations Writing characters to...
The Maya GUI toolkit creates a variety of UI elements in a simple, imperative form. There are basic commands to create and edit GUI widgets; the widgets are identified by a unique string name. All gui commands take the same basic form: you supply a command type and the string name of the object yo...
When you create a new widget with a UI command you can supply the name you'd like the new widget to get. However, its not guaranteed: Maya will give the button the name you asked for -- if you've given it a character it doesn't recognize or if there is already a widget with the same name you may get...
A C program that wishes to accept network connections (act as a "server") should first create a socket bound to the address "INADDR_ANY" and call listen on it. Then, it can call accept on the server socket to block until a client connects. //Create the server socket int servsoc...
POSIX.1-2008 Given the name of a server as a string, char* servername, and a port number, int port, the following code creates and opens a socket connected to that server. The "name" of the server can either be a DNS name, such as "www.stackoverflow.com," or an IP address in sta...
Even when sockets are in "blocking" mode, the read and write operations on them do not necessarily read and write all the data available to be read or written. In order to write an entire buffer into a socket, or read a known quantity of data from a socket, they must be called in a loop. ...
This is a very basic example how to load a pyqt ui file to maya with pyqt libs. In this solution you really don't need to convert your pyqt ui file a python file. You can simply load your pyqt ui. from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui import sip baseUI ...
There are only 4 character operators, in their order of precedence: OperatorDescription()Parentheses for grouping. Note: VFP documentation, that I have, misses this one. Without this, - operator is almost always useless.+Concatenates (joins) strings side by side.-Concatenates strings by moving the ...
In this example, we trying to create a gui with only through code rather than using any ui file. Its a very basic example you need to extend based on your need." from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui import sip class Ui_MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __ini...
setAttr Basically as any other language setAttr can set a value for a specified attribute of a node or any context. And it support very wide range of options. For detailed instructions please visit the official documentation from maya itself here. Here is a very minimal example of setAttr nodeNam...
Many widgets include events which can fire callback functions when the user interacts with the widget. For example when a button is pressed, a checkbox checked, or a dropdown chosen you can fire a function. The exact flag which is associated with these event depends on the widget, but a typical cal...
Open the Maya listener with the button at the lower right corner of the help line. This opens the script listener. Create a Python tab from the tab bar. Here's a very basic script that will print out the positions of the cameras in a default scene. Enter this into the listener: import maya.cmds...
[![Sample equation][1]][1] sympy provides its solution as a Python set of expressions in terms of parametric variables, as shown here in the final line. >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine >>> from sympy import var >>> x,y,z=var('x y z') >>>...
Overview Create a new file named my_first_method.rb Place the following code inside the file: def hello_world puts "Hello world!" end hello_world() # or just 'hello_world' (without parenthesis) Now, from a command line, execute the following: ruby my_first_method.rb The ou...
Sub DisplayExcelVersions() MsgBox "The version of Excel is " & Application.Version MsgBox "The version of the VBE is " & Application.VBE.Version End Sub The use of the Application.Version property is useful for ensuring code only operates on a compatible...
If you want to provide Custom Error Messages you would do it like this: public class LoginViewModel { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please specify an Email Address")] [EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "Please specify a valid Email Address")] public string Email { get; set...
This small example shows how you can lose backward compatibility in your programs if you do not take care in advance about this. And ways to get more control of serialization process At first, we will write an example of the first version of the program: Version 1 [Serializable] class Data { ...
Since ConstraintLayout alpha 9, Chains are available. A Chain is a set of views inside a ConstraintLayout that are connected in a bi-directional way between them, i.e A connected to B with a constraint, and B connected to A with another constraint. Example: <android.support.constraint.Constrain...

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