Tutorial by Examples

Of course, just like most things in browser JavaScript, you just can't count on the fact that everything will be the same everywhere. In this case, requestAnimationFrame might have a prefix on some platforms and are named differently, such as webkitRequestAnimationFrame. Fortunately, there's a reall...
In many situations, a composite index performs better than an index with a single column. To build an optimal composite index, populate it with columns in this order. = column(s) from the WHERE clause first. (eg, INDEX(a,b,...) for WHERE a=12 AND b='xyz' ...) IN column(s); the optimizer may be...
call :FunctionX rem More code... :FunctionX rem Some code here. goto :eof This is a very simple function. Functions are in-program commands that do multiple commands at a time. Functions are made by creating a label and putting code in it, and once it is done, you add a goto :eof or exit ...
call :tohex 14 result rem More code... :tohex <innum> <outvar> set dec=%1 set outvar=%~2 rem %n and %~n are functionally identical, but %~n is slightly safer. goto :eof This takes the additional parameters from the call as if the function was a separate Batch file. Note: the ...
set var1=123456789 set var2=abcdef call :specialvars echo %var1%, %var2% rem More code... :specialvars setlocal set var1=987654321 set var2=fedcba endlocal goto :eof When inside the section setlocal , endlocal section, variables are seperate from the caller's variables, hence why %var...
set importantvar=importantstuff call :stuff 123 var1 rem More code... :stuff <arg1> <arg2> setlocal set importantvar=%~1 echo Writing some stuff into %~2! endlocal set %~2=some stuff setlocal set importantvar=junk endlocal goto :eof This utilizes the basic function, setl...
Site Built With Apex which shows list of application built with Oracle application express.
1)Took backup of Machine.config from locations C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config and C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config 2)Copy them to different location and edit them as a)locate and add under <system.data> <DbProviderFactories> ...
@Component public class RestExceptionResolver extends ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver { @Autowired //If you have multiple handlers make this a list of handlers private RestExceptionHandler restExceptionHandler; /** * This resolver needs to be injected because it is the...
We have a parent component: Importing a child component in it we'll pass props via an attribute. Here the attribute is 'src' and we're passing the 'src' too. ParentComponent.js import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent'; export default { render(h, {props}) { const src = 'https://...
GraphQL.js GraphQL.js is a JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL. You can install it via npm: Initialize npm in your project if you have not done so already: npm init Install GraphQL.js from npm: npm install --save graphql Example Server var { graphql, buildSchema } = require('gra...
Wanted version for C and C++ can be specified globally using respectively variables CMAKE_C_STANDARD (accepted values are 98, 99 and 11) and CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD (accepted values are 98, 11 and 14): set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) These will add the needed compile options on t...
v-for can be used for iterating over an object keys (and values): HTML: <div v-for="(value, key) in object"> {{ key }} : {{ value }} </div> Script: new Vue({ el: '#repeat-object', data: { object: { FirstName: 'John', LastName: 'Doe', Ag...
The DayNight theme gives an app the cool capability of switching color schemes based on the time of day and the device's last known location. Add the following to your styles.xml: <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.DayNight"> <!-- Customize your th...
Service broker is technology based on asyncronous communication between two(or more) entities. Service broker consists of: message types, contracts, queues, services, routes, and at least instance endpoints More: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522893.aspx
USE [MyDatabase] CREATE MESSAGE TYPE [//initiator] VALIDATION = WELL_FORMED_XML; GO CREATE CONTRACT [//call/contract] ( [//initiator] SENT BY INITIATOR ) GO CREATE QUEUE InitiatorQueue; GO CREATE QUEUE TargetQueue; GO CREATE SERVICE InitiatorService ON QUEUE...
For this demonstration we will use service broker construction created in another part of this documentation. Mentioned part is named 3. Create basic service broker construction on database (single database communication). USE [MyDatabase] DECLARE @ch uniqueidentifier = NEWID() DECLARE @msg XML...
For this demonstration we will use service broker construction created in another part of this documentation. Mentioned part is called 3. Create basic service broker construction on database (single database communication). First we need to create a procedure that is able to read and process data f...
Detailed instructions on getting file set up or installed.

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