Tutorial by Examples

Detailed instructions on getting javafx-8 set up or installed.
//default DateTime patterns worksheet.Cells["A1:A25"].Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern; //custom DateTime patters worksheet.Cells["A1:A25"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"; //or overwrite the patterns in ...
The ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder api allows us to get access to the application cache : var file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("myFile.dat", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); The FileIO class contains a set of utility methods to easily add d...
Anonymous pipes, or simply pipes, are kernel-managed objects exposed to processes as a pair of file descriptors, one for the read terminus and one for the write terminus. They are created via the pipe(2) function: int pipefds[2]; int result; result = pipe(pipefds); On success, pipe() record...
File descriptors and FILE objects are per-process resources that cannot themselves be exchanged between processes via ordinary I/O. Therefore, in order for two distinct processes to communicate via an anonymous pipe, one or both participating processes must inherit an open pipe end from the process...
Connecting two child processes via a pipe is performed by connecting each of two children to the parent via different ends of the same pipe. Usually, the parent will not be party to the conversation between the children, so it closes its copies of both pipe ends. int demo() { int pipefds[2]; ...
A shell-style pipeline consists of two or more processes, each one with its standard output connected to the standard input of the next. The output-to-input connections are built on pipes. To establish a pipeline-like set of processes, one creates pipe-connected child processes as described in ano...
cURL can keep cookies received in responses for use with subsequent requests. For simple session cookie handling in memory, this is achieved with a single line of code: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); In cases where you are required to keep cookies after the cURL handle is de...
Example of creating an empty HashTable: $hashTable = @{} Example of creating a HashTable with data: $hashTable = @{ Name1 = 'Value' Name2 = 'Value' Name3 = 'Value3' }
An example of defining a hash table and accessing a value by the key $hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' Key2 = 'Value2' } $hashTable.Key1 #output Value1 An example of accessing a key with invalid characters for a property name: $hashTable = @{ 'Key 1' = 'Value3' Key2 = 'Val...
$hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' Key2 = 'Value2' } foreach($key in $hashTable.Keys) { $value = $hashTable.$key Write-Output "$key : $value" } #Output Key1 : Value1 Key2 : Value2
An example, to add a "Key2" key with a value of "Value2" to the hash table, using the addition operator: $hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' } $hashTable += @{Key2 = 'Value2'} $hashTable #Output Name Value ---- -----...
The cluster library contains the ruspini data - a standard set of data for illustrating cluster analysis. library(cluster) ## to get the ruspini data plot(ruspini, asp=1, pch=20) ## take a look at the data hclust expects a distance matrix, not the original data. We ...
With hierarchical clustering, outliers often show up as one-point clusters. Generate three Gaussian distributions to illustrate the effect of outliers. set.seed(656) x = c(rnorm(150, 0, 1), rnorm(150,9,1), rnorm(150,4.5,1)) y = c(rnorm(150, 0, 1), rnorm(150,0,1), rnorm(150,5,1)) ...
This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJAX option by using Eloquent ORM, Fluent Query Builder or Collection. Read more about this here or here
Intervention Image is an open source PHP image handling and manipulation library. It provides an easier and expressive way to create, edit, and compose images and supports currently the two most common image processing libraries GD Library and Imagick. Read more about this here
Arrow functions will throw a TypeError when used with the new keyword. const foo = function () { return 'foo'; } const a = new foo(); const bar = () => { return 'bar'; } const b = new bar(); // -> Uncaught TypeError: bar is not a constructor...
Let df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1':['A','B','A','B','C'], 'col_2':[3,4,3,5,6]}) df # Output: # col_1 col_2 # 0 A 3 # 1 B 4 # 2 A 3 # 3 B 5 # 4 C 6 To get the distinct values in col_1 you can use Series.unique() df['col_1'].unique() # Output: ...
Get your APIs and Admin Panel ready in minutes.Laravel Generator to generate CRUD, APIs, Test Cases and Swagger Documentation Read more about this here
Parallel extensions have been introduced along with the Task Parallel Library to achieve data Parallelism. Data parallelism refers to scenarios in which the same operation is performed concurrently (that is, in parallel) on elements in a source collection or array. The .NET provides new constructs t...

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