Tutorial by Examples

Print a number in binary, quaternary, octal, hexadecimal and a general power of two All the bases that are a power of two, like the binary (21), quaternary (22), octal (23), hexadecimal (24) bases, have an integral number of bits per digit1. Thus to retrieve each digit2 of a numeral we simply brea...
Suppose the following matrix is the transition probability matrix associated with a Markov chain. 0.5 0.2 0.3 P= 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 In order to study the nature of the states of a Markov chain, a state transition diagram of the Markov chain is drawn. \documentclass[12pt...
Go to the repository, e.g.: https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose branches On the right side of the branches page, select Create branch A popup window will appear, select Branch from and enter the new branch you want to create in the Branch name textbox Click cre...
Go to the repository, e.g.:https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose branches Select the branch you want to delete from the branches page Click on ... at the top right of the page, then click Delete branch A confirmation popup will appear, click Confirm
Linux/Unix Once you have Progress installed it's very easy to run. You only need a couple of environment variables. The directory where Progress was installed (default /usr/dlc but can be something else) needs to be in the DLC-variable DLC=/usr/dlc And you might also want the "bin" s...
In order to access the Google drive API or Google drive SDK you must first register your application on Google Developer console and enable the google drive API. After that its a good idea to use one of the official google client libraries to access the API. DocumentationSamplesGoogle API Client L...
Official Apex Debugger Realtime debugging Force.com IDE requires special licensing from salesforce Welkin Suit Log replay debugging Stand alone IDE Subscription required Illuminated Cloud: Log replay debugging JetBrains Extension Subscription required Salesfor...
Salesforce DataLoader Dataloader.io Jitterbit SFXOrgData DreamFactory Monarch Pentaho Kettle Talend
CodeClimate: Cloud Service CodeScan: Cloud Service Clayton.io: Cloud Service VSCode Apex PMD: VS Code extension for realtime static analysis as you code Apex PMD: command line core that runs most the above tools
You can also go almost bare-metal when producing sound with java. This code will write raw binary data into the OS audio buffer to generate sound. It's extremely important to understand the limitations and necessary calculations to generating sound like this. Since playback is basically instantaneou...
var pipeline = {}; // (...) adding things in pipeline for(var key in pipeline) { fs.stat(pipeline[key].path, function(err, stats) { if (err) { // clear that one delete pipeline[key]; return; } // (...) pipeline[key].count++; }); } The problem i...
var pipeline = {}; // (...) adding things in pipeline var processOneFile = function(key) { fs.stat(pipeline[key].path, function(err, stats) { if (err) { // clear that one delete pipeline[key]; return; } // (...) pipeline[key].count++; }); }; ...
Some of the Class properties Ext.Data.Connection PropertiesDetailsurlAddress of the requesttimeoutWaiting time in millisecondssuccessReturn on successfailureReturn on failure Ext.Ajax.on("beforerequest", function(conn , options , eOpts) { console.log("beforerequest"); });...
TEST CASE – A test case is a set of conditions and steps that when followed/applied, a tester can determine whether a feature, an application or a software system is working as originally designed. A test case usually contains References to the original task, Pre-conditions ( if the pre-conditions...
When moving to "Running" state there is special handler connected with this event: Open "App.xaml.cx" class and see "OnLaunched" method - this is activated when applicaiton is opened by user from "Terminaded" state: protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchA...
When moving to "Suspened" state there is special handler connected with this event: Open "App.xaml.cx" class and see "App" constructor - there is event handler: public App() { this.InitializeComponent(); //Handle suspending operation with event h...
Your application can be opened by user from "Suspended" state. When doing it "OnResuming" event handler is used. In "App.xaml.cs" class: public App() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Suspending += OnSuspending; //Handle resuming operat...
import android.util.Log; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; public class Compress { private static f...
Ajax : New request : Client sends request : Server , Do you have new notification ? Server sends response : Client , NO connection ends New request : Client sends request : Server , Do you have new notification ? Server sends response : Client , NO connection ends New request ...
In the official reference document, it says: The main function of an inbound Channel Adapter is to execute a SQL SELECT query and turn the result set as a message. The message payload is the whole result set, expressed as a List, and the types of the items in the list depend on the row-mapping st...

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