Tutorial by Examples

DEFINE QUERY q1 FOR Customer. OPEN QUERY q1 FOR EACH Customer. GET FIRST q1. loop: REPEAT: IF AVAILABLE Customer THEN DO: DISPLAY Customer.NAME CustNum WITH FRAME frClient TITLE "Client data". DISPLAY "(P)revious" SKIP ...
Detailed instructions on getting xcode-ui-testing set up or installed.
/* This function returns TRUE if input is the letter "b" and false otherwise */ FUNCTION isTheLetterB RETURNS LOGICAL (INPUT pcString AS CHARACTER): IF pcString = "B" THEN RETURN TRUE. ELSE RETURN FALSE. END FUNCTION. /* Calling the function with "b&qu...
A function can be forward declared, this is similar to specifications in a C header file. That way the compiler knows that a function will be made available later on. Without forward declarations the function MUST be declared before it's called in the code. The forward declaration consists of the...
/* This will popup a message-box saying "HELLO WORLD" */ FUNCTION cat RETURNS CHARACTER ( c AS CHARACTER, d AS CHARACTER): RETURN c + " " + d. END. MESSAGE cat("HELLO", "WORLD") VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
A function can have multiple return statements and they can be placed in different parts of the actual function. They all need to return the same data type though. FUNCTION returning DATE ( dat AS DATE): IF dat < TODAY THEN DO: DISPLAY "<". RETURN dat - 200. ...
A function can only return a single value but there's one way around that: the parameters are not limited to input parameters. You can declare INPUT, OUTPUT and INPUT-OUTPUT parameters. Unlike INPUT parameters you must specify OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT before the parameters. Some coding conventions m...
Add new unbound field to the DAC. (as readonly) [PXString(60, IsUnicode = true)] [PXUIField(Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)] public virtual string UsrReadOnlyAcctName{get;set;} public abstract class usrReadOnlyAcctName : IBqlField{} Modify its value depending on conditions using h...
For syncing all folders in both direction, insert this into your Vagrantfile config.vm.synced_folder "my-project1", "/home/vagrant/my-project1"
For syncing all folders in both direction, insert this into your Vagrantfile: config.vm.synced_folder "my-project1", "/home/vagrant/my-project1", type: "rsync", :rsync__exclude => ['my-project1/mini_project2/target,my-project1/mini_project2/target,my-project1/mini...
<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="Util" %> using System; using System.Web.Services; public class Util: WebService { [WebMethod] public int CalculatorAdd(int operandA, int operandB) { return operandA + operandB; } [WebMethod] ...
const timeFormat = "15 Monday January 2006" func ParseDate(s string) (time.Time, error) { t, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, s) if err != nil { // time.Time{} returns January 1, year 1, 00:00:00.000000000 UTC // which according to the source code is the zero va...
prerequisites: To run kibana you need to install supported version of elastic search. for install elastic search refer this link Elasticsearch documentation KibanaElasticsearch4.0.0 - 4.1.x1.4.x - 1.7.x4.2.x2.0.x4.3.x2.1.x4.4.x2.2.x4.5.x2.3.x4.6.x2.4.x5.x5.x The Kibana can be downloade...
For kibana configuration open config/kibana.yml and point your elasticsearch address. By default it is http://localhost:9200 Before starting elasticsearch check whether elasticsearch is running. Becuacuse it is relies on Elasticsearch. For windows: run bin/kibana patch file. For Mac: ...
TTL value can be used to decide for how long the document needs to be there in the bucket. By default TTL value is 0, which means it will be there for indefinite time period. String bucketName = "bucket"; List<String> nodes = Arrays.asList("node1","node2"); // I...
Below example shows ways to read and write csv file without any third party libraries. Write CSV public void writeToCsvFile(List<String[]> thingsToWrite, String separator, String fileName){ try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(fileName)){ for (String[] strings : thingsToWrit...
Detailed instructions on getting air set up or installed.
function getCombinations(params, combinationsResults){ if(params.length == 0) return combinationsResults; var head = params[0]; var tail = params.slice(1); var combinationsResultsCurrent = []; if(Array.isArray(head)){ _.uniq(head).forEach(function(item){ ...
Firstly, you'll need to add the crate into your Cargo.toml file as a dependency. [dependencies] rand = "0.3" This will retrieve the rand crate from crates.io. Next, add this to your crate root. extern crate rand; As this example is going to provide a simple output through the term...
To generate characters, you can utilize the thread-local random number generator function, random. fn main() { let tuple = rand::random::<(f64, char)>(); println!("{:?}", tuple) } For occasional or singular requests, such as the one above, this is a reasonable efficien...

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