Tutorial by Examples

Three different methods of insertion can used with sets. First, a simple insert of the value. This method returns a pair allowing the caller to check whether the insert really occurred. Second, an insert by giving a hint of where the value will be inserted. The objective is to optimize the inser...
All the insertion methods from sets also apply to multisets. Nevertheless, another possibility exists, which is providing an initializer_list: auto il = { 7, 5, 12 }; std::multiset<int> msut; msut.insert(il);
set and multiset have default compare methods, but in some cases you may need to overload them. Let's imagine we are storing string values in a set, but we know those strings contain only numeric values. By default the sort will be a lexicographical string comparison, so the order won't match the n...
There are several ways to search a given value in std::set or in std::multiset: To get the iterator of the first occurrence of a key, the find() function can be used. It returns end() if the key does not exist. std::set<int> sut; sut.insert(10); sut.insert(15); sut.insert(22); ...
The most obvious method, if you just want to reset your set/multiset to an empty one, is to use clear: std::set<int> sut; sut.insert(10); sut.insert(15); sut.insert(22); sut.insert(3); sut.clear(); //size of sut is 0 Then the erase method can be used.  It offers some poss...
/** * requestdata - the data packet expected to be passed in by external system * JSON - data format exchange * stringify() convert javascript object into a string with JSON.stringify() * nlobjError - add in catch block to log exceptions */ function GetCustomerData(requestdata) { ...
@* Renders an anchor (a) element that links to an action method. * The innerHTML of "target-element" is replaced by the result of SomeAction. *@ @Ajax.ActionLink("Update", "SomeAction", new AjaxOptions{UpdateTargetId="target-element" })
@* Adds AJAX functions support to a form. * The innerHTML of "target-element" is replaced by the result of SomeAction. *@ @using ( Ajax.BeginForm("SomeAction", "SomeController", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetI...
Create an F# console application. Change the Output type of the application to Windows Application. Add the FsXaml NuGet package. Add these four source files, in the order listed here. MainWindow.xaml <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" ...
It's a good idea to keep all icons and images in one or more folders. Right click on the project, and use F# Power Tools / New Folder to create a folder named Images. On disk, place your icon in the new Images folder. Back in Visual Studio, right click on Images, and use Add / Existing Item, then...
Create a text file named AppIcon.rc, with the following content. 1 ICON "AppIcon.ico" You will need an icon file named AppIcon.ico for this to work, but of course you can adjust the names to your liking. Run the following command. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\...
Add these two files in this order above the files for the main window. MyControl.xaml <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc=&quo...
workSheet.Cells[1,5,100,5].Copy(workSheet.Cells[1,2,100,2]); Copies column 5 into column 2 Basically Source.Copy(Destination) This would only copy the first 100 rows. Cells[RowStart, ColumnStart, RowEnd, ColumnEnd ] is the format so to copy a row into another row you would just switch the ind...
A DO WHILE loop will continue to loop unless the WHILE-part is met. This makes it easy to run forever and eat up all time from one CPU core. DO WHILE expression: END. expression is any combination of boolean logic, comparisons, variables, fields etc that evaluates to a true value. /* This is...
This iteration changes a value from a starting point to an end, optionally by a specified value for each step. The default change is 1. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DO i = 10 TO 15: DISPLAY i WITH FRAME x1 6 DOWN . DOWN WITH FRAME x1. END. Result: ---------------i ...
Imagine you're testing code that makes a call to this interface, and you want to make sure your retry code is working. public interface DataStore { void save(Data data) throws IOException; } You could do something like this: public void saveChanges_Retries_WhenDataStoreCallFails() { ...
Adding dependcy To use a gruntplugin, you first need to add it as a dependency to your project. Let's use the jshint plugin as an example. npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev The --save-dev option is used to add the plugin in the package.json, this way the plugin is always installed aft...
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # create some data x = np.arange(-2, 20, 0.5) # values of x y1 = map(lambda x: -4.0/3.0*x + 16, x) # values of y1(x) y2 = map(lambda x: 0.2*x**2 -5*x + 32, x) # svalues of y2(x) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplo...
Import ReactiveFormsModule, and then import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; @Component({ selector: 'component', template: ` <input [formControl]="control" /> ...
For those of you that are new to programming in Swift and those of you coming from different programming bases, such as Python or Java, this article should be quite helpful. In this post, we will discuss a simple solution for implementing swift algorithms. Fizz Buzz You may have seen Fizz Buzz wri...

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