Tutorial by Examples

Detailed instructions on getting ravendb set up or installed.
Run the following command one by one: npm install -g vulcanize crisper Use Vulcanize: Crunches all the HTML import files into a single file Crisper: Extracts inline js to its own file Note: Ubuntu users may need to prefix the above command with sudo.
Put all the html imports in your files in a single file elements.html. Don't worry about a file being imported more than once, it'll be crunched down to a single import.
on your elements.html file, run the following commands: cd PATH/TO/IMPORTFILE/ vulcanize elements.html -o elements.vulc.html --strip-comments --inline-css --inline-js crisper --source elements.vulc.html --html build.html --js build.js Vulcanize retrieved source code of all the imports, then re...
Open HTML minifier Open build.html Copy all its code In the HTML minfier's first textarea, paste the code you copied from build.html Click Minify button In the second textarea, minified code will appear. Copy that Create a build.min.html file and paste all your copi...
Remove all previous imports from those HTmL files from which you copy-pasted the imports. Replace imports with <link rel="import" href="PATH/TO/IMPORTFILE/build.min.html">
Link function is best way in custom directives to manipulate DOM. It takes three attributes as input (scope, element, attribute) in sequence scope: its local scope object of directive. element: html element on which directive is used. attribute: it gives access to all attributes used in element ...
CleverTapAPI cleverTap; try { cleverTap = CleverTapAPI.getInstance(getApplicationContext()); } catch (CleverTapMetaDataNotFoundException e) { // thrown if you haven't specified your CleverTap Account ID or Token in your AndroidManifest.xml } catch (CleverTapPermissionsNotSatisfied e) { /...
In your custom application class, override the onCreate() method, add the line below: CleverTapAPI.setDebugLevel(1);
AIX by IBM Solaris by Sun Microsystems HP-UX by Hewlett Packard IRIX by Silicon Graphics, Inc FreeBSD by Free BSD Group GNU/Linux by Open Source Movement SCO Unix by The Santa Cruz Operation Inc
Multi user Multi tasking Interactive Shell Security Hierarchial file system
Detailed instructions on getting java-stream set up or installed.
For this example we will use the Live Test RavenDB instance. We will build a simple console app here which demonstrates the most basic operations: Creation Retrieval by Id Querying Updating Deletion Begin by creating a new Visual Studio solution and add a Console Application project to it...
By default, all your .scss partials go in the <source>/_sass folder. /_sass/base.scss body { margin: 0; } Your main .css or .scss files go in the <source>/css folder. Note: the two first two lines of triple dashes are necessary in order for Jekyll to transpile your .scss file to...
In stable Rust you create a Box by using the Box::new function. let boxed_int: Box<i32> = Box::new(1);
Because Boxes implement the Deref<Target=T>, you can use boxed values just like the value they contain. let boxed_vec = Box::new(vec![1, 2, 3]); println!("{}", boxed_vec.get(0)); If you want to pattern match on a boxed value, you may have to dereference the box manually. struct...
If you try and create a recursive enum in Rust without using Box, you will get a compile time error saying that the enum can't be sized. // This gives an error! enum List { Nil, Cons(i32, List) } In order for the enum to have a defined size, the recursively contained value must be in...
As a way of subdividing Ada programs, packages may have so-called children. These can be packages, too. A child package has a special privilege: it can see the declarations in the parent package's private part. One typical use of this special visibility is when forming a hierarchy of derived types ...

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