Tutorial by Examples

You can include HTML comments in JSPs as well. You use the basic html comment syntax: <!--Comment goes here--> The difference between using JSP style comments and HTML style comments is the JSP ones will not be included when the HTML is generated and the HTML style comments will be. So it ...
QtCreator is, at the moment, the best tool to create a Qt application. In this example, we will see how to create a simple Qt application which manage a button and write text. To create a new application click on File->New File or Project: Then choose the Projects->Application->Qt Widge...
As this is an audio, we don't need a QVideoWidget. So we can do: _player = new QMediaPlayer(this); QUrl file = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Music"), "", tr(""))); if (file.url() == "") return ; _player->setMedia(f...
$> perl -MFoo::Bar\ 9999 $> Foo::Bar version 9999 required--this is only version 1.1.
If condition Then code to execute if true ElseIf condition Then code Else code to execute if conditions are both false End If
For I as Integer = 1 To 10 Step 1 code to execute Next Step is optional and Step 1 is the default. Step tells it how to count, so -1 would have it subtract 1 each time and Step 5 would have it add 5 each time thru the loop. In case the loop need to be stopped, then the Exit For statement c...
With the help of West Wind's wwDotNetBridge, you can easily have access .NET code within a VFP program. The white paper has all the details, but this concise example will help illustrate the basic steps to running a method in a .NET assembly. Note that wwDotNetBridge can directly access simple pro...
Datapump jobs can be monitored using 1. data dictionary views: select * from dba_datapump_jobs; SELECT * FROM DBA_DATAPUMP_SESSIONS; select username,opname,target_desc,sofar,totalwork,message from V$SESSION_LONGOPS where username = 'bkpadmin'; 2. Datapump status: Note down the j...
create or replace directory DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR as '/oracle/scripts/expimp';
Commands: expdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> parfile=<exp.par> *Please replace the data in <> with appropriate values as per your environment. You can add/modify parameters as per your requirements. In the above example all the remaining parameters are added in parameter files as...
Prerequisite: Prior to user import it is a good practice to drop the schema or table imported. Commands: impdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> parfile=<imp.par> *Please replace the data in <> with appropriate values as per your environment. You can add/modify parameters as per...
Source Server [Export Data]Target Server [Import Data]1. Create a datapump folder that will contain the export dump files4. Create a datapump folder that will contain the import dump files2. Login to database schema that will perform the export.5. Login to database schema that will perform the impor...
Once you have SCons running, create a file named SConstruct: print('..Building World') Now run scons: $ scons scons: Reading SConscript files ... ..Building World scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... scons: `.' is up to date. scons: done building targets. S...
If you have modifications to share or just want to try new version in development. $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons $ python scons/src/script/scons.py
In this example you will be modifying the Marital Status drop-down list found on the Contacts form (CR302000): To add new items to the PXStringListAttribute successor The best way to extend drop-down items hard-coded inside an attribute inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attribute is b...
Go will throw an error when there is a variable that is unused, in order to encourage you to write better code. However, there are some situations when you really don't need to use a value stored in a variable. In those cases, you use a "blank identifier" _ to assign and discard the assign...
expdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> impdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> remap_schema=<source schema>:<target schema> remap_tablespace=<source tablespace&g...
There are some situations where you won't be sure what type a variable is when it is returned from a function. You can always check a variable's type by using var.(type) if you are unsure what type it is: x := someFunction() // Some value of an unknown type is stored in x now switch x := x.(type...
This workaround helped us so much at my job (Tech Support), we made a simple batch file we could run from anywhere (We didnt have the permissions to install the actual exe). This workaround will run OpenSSL and open up the bin folder for you (cause this is where any files you create or modify will b...
public function house() { $config['base_url'] = site_url().'/user/house/'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->houses->select_row_house_design(); $config['per_page'] = 12; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li><a><b>'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '&...

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