Tutorial by Examples: al

If you like to organize your project by keeping source files in different subdirectories, you should know that during a build qmake will not preserve this directory structure and it will keep all the ".o" files in a single build directory. This can be a problem if you had conflicting file ...
The following example creates a unique index on the JobCandidateID column of the HumanResources.JobCandidate table of the AdventureWorks2012 sample database. The example then creates a default full-text catalog, ft. Finally, the example creates a full-text index on the Resume column, using the ft ca...
USE AdventureWorks2012; GO CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG production_catalog; GO CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON Production.ProductReview ( ReviewerName Language 1033, EmailAddress Language 1033, Comments Language 1033 ) KEY INDEX PK_ProductR...
Download installation files from Phalcon dedicated download page, as well as finding manuals on making Phalcon work with popular platforms. Windows Put the actual DLL files in a directory proper to extend PHP functionality. For XAMPP use xampp\php\ext\ - and for WAMP use wamp\bin\php\php*\ext\ de...
Steps to Reproduce (Turbo Forms, CRM 2015.1, --> CRM 2016.2) Form (with or without other required fields) has one field that is empty and required. Lose focus on the empty field ("title" in this example), this triggers the Field Notification Icon: Wire up onChange Handler for emp...
pcall stands for "protected call". It is used to add error handling to functions. pcall works similar as try-catch in other languages. The advantage of pcall is that the whole execution of the script is not being interrupted if errors occur in functions called with pcall. If an error insid...
Detailed instructions on getting concurrency set up or installed.
Basic error handling should be added to all procedures in production code, since otherwise an unexpected error will cause Access to crash or invite the end-user to enter debug mode. A typical pattern for a basic error handler that traps all errors is: Sub Name() On Error GoTo errHandler '[some...
If we need to parse a large file, e.g. a CSV more than 10 Mbytes containing millions of rows, some use file or file_get_contents functions and end up with hitting memory_limit setting with Allowed memory size of XXXXX bytes exhausted error. Consider the following source (top-1m.csv has exactly...
After successfully installing Xamarin as described in the first example, it's time to launch the first sample application. Step 1: Creating a new Project. In Visual Studio, choose New -> Project -> Visual C# -> Cross-Platform -> Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) Name the app "He...
The Salesforce application consists of several products which can be integrated with each other: Sales Cloud Marketing Page, Salesforce Documentation Service Cloud Marketing Page, Salesforce Documentation, Trailhead Marketing Cloud Marketing Page Community Cloud Marketing Page, Salesforce Do...
Normal mode Ctrl-wo Ex mode :only or short :on
In order for a program to react to a certain signal, other than using default action, custom signal handler can be installed using sigaction. sigaction receives three arguments - signal to act on, pointer to sigaction_t structure which, if not NULL, is describing new behaviour and pointer to sigacti...
Least squares is a standard approach to problems with more equations than unknowns, also known as overdetermined systems. Consider the four equations: x0 + 2 * x1 + x2 = 4 x0 + x1 + 2 * x2 = 3 2 * x0 + x1 + x2 = 5 x0 + x1 + x2 = 4 We can express this as a matrix multiplication A * x = b: A ...
When rendering a form 'by hand', it can be useful to know if there are fields left to render or not. The function isRendered() from the FormView class returns true if there are still fields left to be rendered to the template. This snippet prints <h3>Extra fields</h3> if there are fiel...
You can rename branch in local repository using this command: git branch -m old_name new_name
Getting zsh zsh is available on many UNIX-like platforms via their built-in package management systems. On the Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions, zsh is available in the default package repositories and can be installed using: $ sudo apt-get install zsh # or, on newer Ubuntu distributions $ ...
C++ thrives on what is known as a Regular type (or at least Pseudo-Regular). A Regular type is a type that can be constructed and assigned-to and assigned-from via copy or move, can be destroyed, and can be compared equal-to. It can also be constructed from no arguments. Finally, it also has supp...
module.exports.routes = { // This function will be executed for all http verbs on all urls 'all /*', function (req, res, next) { // Expose the function `fooBar` to all views (via the locals object) res.locals.fooBar = function (arg1) { return 'foobar' + arg1; }; }, };...
The yield keyword allows lazy-evaluation of the collection. Forcibly loading the whole collection into memory is called eager evaluation. The following code shows this: IEnumerable<int> myMethod() { for(int i=0; i <= 8675309; i++) { yield return i; } } ... // ...

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