Tutorial by Examples

Table ORDERS +---------+------------+----------+-------+--------+ | orderid | customerid | customer | total | items | +---------+------------+----------+-------+--------+ | 1 | 1 | Bob | 1300 | 10 | | 2 | 3 | Fred | 500 | 2 | | 3 | ...
Use Nginx map to parse fields and reject requests. # Allowed hosts map $http_host $name { hostnames; default no; example.com yes; *.example.com yes; example.org yes; *.example.org yes; .example.net yes; wap.* yes; } # Allowed count...
NOTE: we're only doing this for Chrome at the moment Windows For Windows we need to download version 2.29 http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=2.29/ Once downloaded, extract the zip to a location of your choice Add the location of the driver to the PATH Make sure the lat...
FusionCharts Suite XT is a comprehensive, JavaScript charting library that includes more than 90 charts and 1150 maps. All these charts and maps are distributed as 4 different packages that are named as: FusionCharts XT FusionWidgets XT PowerCharts XT FusionMaps XT Details of each of these ...
To train a neural network, firstly we need to design a good and efficient idea. There are three types of learning tasks. Supervised Learning Reinforcement Learning Unsupervised Learning In this present time, unsupervised learning is very popular.Unsupervised Learning is a deep learning task...
The installation is very simple. If you are used to this kind of thing, just go to https://download.racket-lang.org. If you prefer, there are more detailed step-by-step installation instructions for the following systems: Installation steps (Windows) Installation steps (Linux) Installation step...
Visit https://download.racket-lang.org and choose between the two available distributions: Racket is the main distribution, it comes with several additional packages like math/number-theory as well as the DrRacket IDE. Minimal Racket is far smaller and comes only with the needed packages. ...
Visit https://download.racket-lang.org and choose between the two available distributions: Racket is the main distribution, it comes with several additional packages like math/number-theory as well as the DrRacket IDE. Minimal Racket is far smaller and comes only with the needed packages. Ins...
We can select a text within an html or xml tag by using visual selection v and text object it . Go to normal mode py pressing ESC Type vit from anywhere within the html or xml section This will visually select all text inside the tag All other text objects can also be used to operate on th...
Bukkit uses an event based system that allows plugin developers to interact with and modify the server and specific actions that occur in the world. Creating an Event Handler Event handlers are methods that get called when their event occurs. They are generally public and void as well as named o...
Parsing date is used when having an input typed as String and when it is needed to get it as a Date. The class TalendDate contains method TalendDate.parseDate("pattern","stringDate"). Pattern here is the input pattern, and not the expected output pattern. Usage : For an input...
Since Talend 6.3 , an option in tMap allows to automatically convert types. When activated, output pattern is used as the expected input pattern to automatically convert data. First, activate the option : Then modify output pattern, used as the input pattern :
Symfony 2.8 # AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension.php <?php namespace AppBundle\Twig; class AppExtension extends \Twig_Extension { /** * This is where one defines the filters one would to use in their twig * templates * * @return Array */ public function ...
Problem Factors are used to represent variables that take values from a set of categories, known as Levels in R. For example, some experiment could be characterized by the energy level of a battery, with four levels: empty, low, normal, and full. Then, for 5 different sampling sites, those levels c...
math.js 'use strict'; const Promise = require('bluebird'); module.exports = { // example of a callback-only method callbackSum: function(a, b, callback) { if (typeof a !== 'number') return callback(new Error('"a" must be a number')); if (typeof b !== 'number...
Fetching the values from the SQLite3 database. Print row values returned by select query import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * from table_name where id=cust_id") for row in c: print row # will be a list To fetch single match...
Many recursive algorithms can be expressed using iteration. For instance, the greatest common denominator function can be written recursively: def gdc (x, y) return x if y == 0 return gdc(y, x%y) end or iteratively: def gdc_iter (x, y) while y != 0 do x, y = y, x%y end re...
To use sqlalchemy for database: from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL url = URL(drivername='mysql', username='user', password='passwd', host='host', database='db') engine = create_engine(url) # sqlalchemy eng...

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