Tutorial by Examples: and

You can include/install Select2 in one of the two ways Directly using CDN's in your project under the head section of your project. link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.3/css/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="https://cdnjs...
In Rx Subjects have internal states that can control their behavior. A common use-case form Subject is subscribing it to multiple Observables. The following example creates two different Observables and subscribes a Subject to both of them. Then it tries to print all values that went through: let ...
public class BitmapTools { /// <summary> /// Gets the cropped bitmap asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="originalImage">The original image.</param> /// <param name="startPoint">The start ...
Latest Android Studio will create & integrate a Basic Widget to your Application in 2 steps. Right on your Application ==> New ==> Widget ==> App Widget . It will show a Screen like below & fill the fields Its Done. It will create & integrate a basic HelloWorld Widget(I...
public function addCard($cust_id, $token) { $retriveResult=Customer::retrieve($cust_id); $tokendata = Token::retrieve($token); $newcard = $tokendata['card']; $flag = 1; foreach ($retriveResult['sources']['data'] as $card) { if($card['fingerprint'] === $newcard['f...
TL;DR It basically allows us to simulate real devices and test our apps without a real device. According to Android Developer Documentation, an Android Virtual Device (AVD) definition lets you define the characteristics of an Android Phone, Tablet, Android Wear, or Android TV device that you w...
Create Selector for Enable/Disable Menu Item. selector.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item android:color="@color/white" android:state_enabled="true&q...
The sample command can be used to simulate classic probability problems like drawing from an urn with and without replacement, or creating random permutations. Note that throughout this example, set.seed is used to ensure that the example code is reproducible. However, sample will work without expl...
var Human = function() { this.canWalk = true; this.canSpeak = true; // }; Person.prototype.greet = function() { if (this.canSpeak) { // checks whether this prototype has instance of speak this.name = "Steve" console.log('Hi, I am ' + this.name); } else{ c...
Python Most commonly used scenario: open page in new window switch to it do something close it switch back to parent window # Open "Google" page in parent window driver.get("https://google.com") driver.title # 'Google' # Get parent window parent_window = driver...
Data can be extracted from a blastdb using blastdbcmd which should be included in a blast installation. You can specify from the options below as part of -outfmt what metadata to include and in what order. From the man page: -outfmt <String> Output format, where the available format sp...
public class ExpandBarDynamicContentExample { private final Display display; private final Shell shell; public ExpandBarDynamicContentExample() { display = new Display(); shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); // Create...
/** * Add meta box to post types. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function myplugin_add_meta_box() { // Set up the default post types/ $types = array( 'post', ); // Optional filter for adding the meta box to more types. Uncomment to use. // $types = apply_filters( 'mypl...
Every Heroku app runs in at least two environments: on Heroku (we’ll call that production) and on your local machine (development). If more than one person is working on the app, then you’ve got multiple development environments - one per machine, usually. Usually, each developer will also have a te...
Reagent is an interface between ClojureScript and react. It allows you to define efficient React components using nothing but plain ClojureScript functions and data, that describe your UI using a Hiccup-like syntax. Example:- (defn sample-component [] [:div [:p "I am a component!"...
DB backup Database backup is a must before starting any Dynamics CRM upgrade process. This is mandatory as to always have the option to rollback in case of any major roadblock. Wrong Estimation DO NOT underestimate the work involved in a CRM Upgrade process. Audit your current Microsoft Dynamics...
This example helper class interacts with the finger print manager and performs encryption and decryption of password. Please note that the method used for encryption in this example is AES. This is not the only way to encrypt and other examples exist. In this example the data is encrypted and decryp...
# ruby 1.92 lower_limit = 1 upper_limit = 6 Random.new.rand(lower_limit..upper_limit) # Change your range operator to suit your needs
(Beginner level; IDE: CLion) First, install boost from the Cygwin mirror: open the install exe, search for boost, install the packages. After boost is installed: it will be located in /usr/include/boost. This is where everything is. All #include statements will be a path from the boost folder,...
cf logs AppName --recent Note, depending on who is hosting your CF app, the size of this log may be limited.

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