Tutorial by Examples: al

Server side (Host Webservices) Web services must be installed and running (deployed) in a web server as web application components. They can be part of a bigger application, or they can be deployed alone as they may compose a complete application. It is responsibility of the server to forward an i...
To begin using YouTube, just head over to youtube.com and use the search bar on the top of the page to find the required subject. Alternatively, you could just browse the home page. On this page, you can search the popular and trending videos, from Music, to gaming. If you wish to participate with c...
XAMPP is available on Windows, Linux and OSX. You can find installers here. The link also contains available add-ons.
To add a value to a WeakSet, use the .add() method. This method is chainable. const obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}; const weakset = new WeakSet(); weakset.add(obj1).add(obj2);
To check if a value exits in a WeakSet, use the .has() method. const obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}; const weakset = new WeakSet([obj1]); console.log(weakset.has(obj1)); // true console.log(weakset.has(obj2)); // false
To remove a value from a WeakSet, use the .delete() method. This method returns true if the value existed and has been removed, otherwise false. const obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}; const weakset = new WeakSet([obj1]); console.log(weakset.delete(obj1)); // true console.log(weakset.delete(obj2));...
The name Smalltalk usually refers to ANSI Smalltalk or Smalltalk 80 (of which the first is based on). While most implementations are close to the standard, they vary in different aspects (usually referred to as dialects). Each implementation has it's own method of installation. Well known FOSS imp...
Care must be taken when initializing variables of type float to literal values or comparing them with literal values, because regular floating point literals like 0.1 are of type double. This may lead to surprises: #include <stdio.h> int main() { float n; n = 0.1; if (n > ...
A problem: Canvas only remembers pixels, not shapes or images This is an image of a circular beach ball, and of course, you can't drag the ball around the image. It may surprise you that just like an image, if you draw a circle on a Canvas you cannot drag that circle around the canvas. That's be...
In VBA, this attribute is ignored. It was not ported over from VB6. In VB6, it creates a Default Global Instance of the class (a "shortcut") so that class members can be accessed without using the class name. For example, DateTime (as in DateTime.Now) is actually part of the VBA.Conversio...
Warning! Apply shadows sparingly! Applying shadowing is expensive and is multiplicatively expensive if you apply shadowing inside an animation loop. Instead, cache a shadowed version of your image (or other drawing): At the start of your app, create a shadowed version of your image in a secon...
The traditional use of shadowing is to give 2-dimensional drawings the illusion of 3D depth. This example shows the same "button" with and without shadowing var canvas=document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d"); document.body.appendChild(can...
This function will take 2 datetime parameters, the DOB, and a date to check the age at CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Calc_Age] ( @DOB datetime , @calcDate datetime ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN declare @age int IF (@calcDate < @DOB ) RETURN -1 -- If a DOB is supplied a...
Will be available till the current connection persists for the user. Automatically deleted when the user disconnects. The name should start with # (#temp) CREATE TABLE #LocalTempTable( StudentID int, StudentName varchar(50), Student...
Will start with ## (##temp). Will be deleted only if user disconnects all connections. It behaves like a permanent table. CREATE TABLE ##NewGlobalTempTable( StudentID int, StudentName varchar(50), StudentAddress varchar(150)) Insert ...
Detailed instructions on getting zend-framework set up or installed.
Welcome to the world of Graphs. If you have connected data then you might need one of the types of graphs to model those patterns. There are several things that can be done with Graphs like mapping traffic patterns, managing water distribution networks, social media analysis, etc... At it's heart ...
Some collection types can be initialized at the declaration time. For example, the following statement creates and initializes the numbers with some integers: List<int> numbers = new List<int>(){10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1}; Internally, the C# compiler actually converts this...
Returns the union of rows that belong to the current and the history table. SELECT * FROM Employee FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL
Creating a temporal table with a default history table is a convenient option when you want to control naming and still rely on system to create history table with default configuration. In the example below, a new system-versioned memory-optimized temporal table linked to a new disk-based history t...

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