Tutorial by Examples: ase

When you also want to expose metadata without a config file you can build on the example programmatically creating a ServiceHost: public ConsoleHost() { mHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(Example), new Uri("http://localhost:8000/Example"), new Uri("net.tcp://9000/Example")); ...
HBase Standalone is a mode which allow you to get rid of HDFS and to test HBase before deploying in a cluster, It is not production oriented. Installing HBase in standalone is extremely simple. First you have to download the HBase archive named hbase-X.X.X-bin.tar.gz available on one of the apache ...
in this way '0' representing the known values ​​are ranked first, '1' representing the NULL values ​​are sorted by the last: SELECT ID ,REGION ,CITY ,DEPARTMENT ,EMPLOYEES_NUMBER FROM DEPT ORDER BY CASE WHEN REGION IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, REGION ...
These Java issues can be very embarrassing, and sometimes remain undiscovered until run in production. Fallthrough behavior in switch statements is often useful; however, missing a “break” keyword when such behavior is not desired can lead to disastrous results. If you have forgotten to put a “break...
def quatNorm = { a, b, c, d -> Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d) } assert quatNorm(1, 4, 4, -4) == 7.0 def complexNorm = quatNorm.ncurry(1, 0, 0) // b, c == 0 assert complexNorm(3, 4) == 5.0
Because generating documentation is based on markdown, you have to do 2 things : 1/ Write your doctest and make your doctest examples clear to improve readability (It is better to give a headline, like "examples" or "tests"). When you write your tests, do not forget to give 4 s...
Specifies how the database generates values for the property. There are three possible values: None specifies that the values are not generated by the database. Identity specifies that the column is an identity column, which is typically used for integer primary keys. Computed specifies that th...
Sets also have a copymethod. You can use this method to perform a shallow copy. >>> s1 = {()} >>> s2 = s1.copy() >>> s1 is s2 False >>> s2.add(3) >>> s1 {[]} >>> s2 {3,[]}
The following sqoop command will be used to import the data from RDBMS table into HBase table, if the table does not exists in HBase it will create a new table and import the data into this table sqoop import \ --query 'select emp_id, emp_name, emp_sal from employee where $CONDITIONS' \ ...
In Visual Studio go to your Solution Explorer then click on Project you will be adding model Right mouse. Choose ADO.NET Entity Data Model Then choose Generate from database and click Next in next window click New Connection... and point to the database you want to generate model from (Could be M...
Continuing on the mtcars example, here is a simple way to produce a plot of your linear regression that is potentially suitable for publication. First fit the linear model and fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars) Then plot the two variables of interest and add the regression line within the d...
Java SE 7 switch itself can not be parameterised to be case insensitive, but if absolutely required, can behave insensitive to the input string by using toLowerCase() or toUpperCase: switch (myString.toLowerCase()) { case "case1" : ... break; case &...
Encoding //convert the image to NSData first let imageData:NSData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)! // convert the NSData to base64 encoding let strBase64:String = imageData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(.Encoding64CharacterLineLength) Decoding let dataDecoded:NSData = NSData(base64Encoded...
Below query can be used to get TempDB database details: USE [MASTER] SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id = 2 OR USE [MASTER] SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = 2 With the help of below DMV, you can check how much TempDb space does your session is using. This query...
Overall the easiest way to work with JSON is to have a case class mapping directly to the JSON (same fields name, equivalent types, etc.). case class Person( name: String, age: Int, hobbies: Seq[String], pet: Pet ) case class Pet( name: String, `type`: String ) // these...
Opening a database is an asynchronous operation. We need to send a request to open our database and then listen for events so we know when it's ready. We'll open a DemoDB database. If it doesn't exist yet, it will get created when we send the request. The 2 below says that we're asking for version...
If you want to connect to an HBase server, first you need to make sure that the IP of the server is in your /etc/hosts file for example add the line hbase Then you can use the Java API to connect to zookeeper, you only have to specify the client port and the zookeeper address ...
In HBase, you can use 4 types of operations Get : retrieves a row Put : inserts one or more row(s) Delete : delete a row Scan : retrieves several rows If you simply want to retrieve a row, given its row_key you can use the Get object: Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("my_row_key")...
Retrieve System DateTime VBA supports 3 built-in functions to retrieve the date and/or time from the system's clock. FunctionReturn TypeReturn ValueNowDateReturns the current date and timeDateDateReturns the date portion of the current date and timeTimeDateReturns the time portion of the current d...

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