Tutorial by Examples: c

Press Ctrl + v to enter into visual block mode. Use ↑ / ↓ / j / k to select multiple lines. Press Shift + i and start typing what you want. After you press Esc, the text will be inserted into all the lines you selected. Remember that Ctrl+c is not 100% equivalent to Esc and will not work in this...
import pandas as pd chunksize = [n] for chunk in pd.read_csv(filename, chunksize=chunksize): process(chunk) delete(chunk)
Characteristics of properties : Properties that can be retrieved from an object could have the following characteristics, Enumerable Non - Enumerable own While creating the properties using Object.defineProperty(ies), we could set its characteristics except "own". Properties which...
The .vimrc file (pronounced Vim-wreck) is a Vim configuration file. It holds commands that will be executed by Vim every time it starts. By default the file is empty or non-existent; you can use it to customize your Vim environment. To find out where Vim expects the vimrc file to be stored, open V...
You can use the following extension method for comparing the contents of two IList< T > instances of the same type. By default the items are compared based on their order within the list and the items themselves, passing false to the isOrdered parameter will compare only the items themselves ...
This example hides the red box (border) if the checkbox is not checked by making use of an IValueConverter. Note: The BooleanToVisibilityConverter used in the example below is a built-in value converter, located in the System.Windows.Controls namespace. XAML: <Window x:Class="StackOverflo...
In order to work with bindings in WPF, you need to define a DataContext. The DataContext tells bindings where to get their data from by default. <Window x:Class="StackOverflowDataBindingExample.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation&q...
INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface used by binding sources (i.e. the DataContext) to let the user interface or other components know that a property has been changed. WPF automatically updates the UI for you when it sees the PropertyChanged event raised. It is desirable to have this interface im...
You can bind to a property of an ancestor in the visual tree by using a RelativeSource binding. The nearest control higher in the visual tree which has the same type or is derived from the type you specify will be used as the binding's source: <Grid Background="Blue"> <Grid ...
PS > Get-Member -InputObject $anObjectInstance This will return all members of the type instance. Here is a part of a sample output for String instance TypeName: System.String Name MemberType Definition ---- ---------- ---------- Clone ...
If you need to add an attribute through razor that has a - (hyphen) in the name you cannot simply do @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Id, Model.Values, new { @data-placeholder = "whatever" }) it will not compile. data-* attributes are valid and common in html5 for adding extra values t...
F# Interactive, is a REPL environment that lets you execute F# code, one line at a time. If you have installed Visual Studio with F#, you can run F# Interactive in console by typing "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\4.0\Framework\v4.0\Fsi.exe". On Linux or OS X, the command is fsh...
You can diff UTF-16 encoded files (localization strings file os iOS and macOS are examples) by specifying how git should diff these files. Add the following to your ~/.gitconfig file. [diff "utf16"] textconv = "iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8" iconv is a program to convert differe...
With TypeScript 1.8 it becomes possible for a type parameter constraint to reference type parameters from the same type parameter list. Previously this was an error. function assign<T extends U, U>(target: T, source: U): T { for (let id in source) { target[id] = source[id]; ...
composer update composer update will update our dependencies as they are specified in composer.json. For example, if our project uses this configuration: "require": { "laravelcollective/html": "2.0.*" } Supposing we have actually installed the 2.0.1 version ...
name:"john doe"~1 Searches for multiple terms within a specific term distance (~1), i.e will find text containing john anonymous doe but not john second name doe
name:john Searches for a single term (joe) in a single field (name)
+firstname:john +surname:doe Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is doe. + predix indicates that the search term must occur (AND). +firstname:john -surname:doe Matches documents where firstname is john and surname is not doe. - predix indicates that the search term must not occu...
name:"john doe" Searches for multiple terms in specific order.
name:(john doe^5) The ^ indicator can be used to boost a search term to increase it's relevance level meaning that documents containing doe are more relevant than ones containing john

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