Tutorial by Examples: al

<ul class="list-group"> <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-success">Dapibus ac facilisis in</li> <li class="list-group-item list-group-item-info">Cras sit amet nibh libero</li> <li class="list-group-item list-group-...
Parallel GC is Stop-The-World (STW) collector which stop all the application threads when running the garbage collector. When Parallel GC was introduced it was only enabled the parallel GC in young generation collector and OldGeneration Collector was single thread stop-the-world collector, but late...
Installing mvvmcross with nugget: Search for mvvmcross in the "Manage Nugget Packages" window. Installing mvvmcross with Package Manger Console: PM> Install-Package MvvmCross Make sure to install it on both your PCL (Portable Class Library) and you application project. As the...
Lets say you want to filter a query by two columns, but only certain combinations of those columns. For example, it's OK to have account 60400 with reference JE, but you cannot have account 60400 with reference ED, but you can have account 60500 with reference ED. select * from schema.table where ...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); String <variable_name> = (String) ve.getValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext()); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression from which the value is to be get. "variabl...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); ve.setValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext(), <value>); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression to which the value is to be stored. "value" is the desired val...
AdfmfContainerUtilities.invokeContainerJavaScriptFunction(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getFeatureId(), <function>, new Object[] { }); "function" is the desired js function to be invoked
page.js var context = { items: [ {id: 1, name: "Foo"}, {id: 2, name: "Bar"}, {id: 3, name: "Joe"} ] } exports.loaded = function(args){ var page = args.object; page.bindingContext = context; } exports.showEntry = functi...
If we want to display a jquery calendar for end user who can pick maximum date as current date in the calendar. The below code will useful to this scenario. <?php use yii\jui\DatePicker; use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; ?> <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'profile-form']); ?&gt...
For some forms you want display the days from future/past days and other days need to disabled, then this scenario will help. <?php use yii\jui\DatePicker; use yii\widgets\ActiveForm; ?> <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'profile-form']); ?> ..... <?php $day = '+...
If you want to have calendar for from date and to date and also to date calendar days always will be greater than from date field, then below scenario will help. <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'profile-form']); ?> ..... <?= $form->field($model, 'from_date')->widget(D...
First of all download Yii Booster latest end user bundle from here. Download it, unpack its contents to some directory inside your web application. Its recomended to unpack it to the extensions directory. Rename the folder from yiibooster-<version_number> to just yiibooster for convenience. ...
A new memory block on the heap is allocated using the new expression, which returns a pointer to the managed memory: void main() { int* a = new int; *a = 42; // dereferencing import std.stdio : writeln; writeln("a: ", *a); }
Start from a Cython program with a entrypoint: def do_stuff(): cdef int a,b,c a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 print("Hello World!") print([a,b,c]) input("Press Enter to continue.") Create a setup.py file in the same folder: from distutils.core import set...
This example serves as a complement to other examples which talk about how to use the lifecycle methods and when the method will be called. This example summarize Which methods (componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, etc) will be called and in which sequence will be different for a componen...
function processGoogleDriveFolders() { var arrayAllFolderNames,continuationToken,folders,foldersFromToken,thisFolder;//Declare variable names arrayAllFolderNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name folders = DriveApp.getFolders();//Get all folders from G...
function processGoogleDriveFiles() { var arrayAllFileNames,continuationToken,files,filesFromToken,fileIterator,thisFile;//Declare variable names arrayAllFileNames = [];//Create an empty array and assign it to this variable name files = DriveApp.getFiles();//Get all files from Google...
show dbs or db.adminCommand('listDatabases') or db.getMongo().getDBNames()
show collections or show tables or db.getCollectionNames()
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