Tutorial by Examples: al

>>> from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality >>> from sympy import var >>> x=var('x') >>> solve_univariate_inequality(2*x**2-6>1,x,relational=False) (-oo, -sqrt(14)/2) U (sqrt(14)/2, oo) The relational=False parameter simply ind...
Floyd-Warshall's algorithm is for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph with positive or negative edge weights. A single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed weights) of the shortest paths between all pair of vertices. With a little variation, it can print the shortest path ...
// 1.0, Revealing Module pattern var myNamespace = myNamespace || {}; myNamespace.example = (function () { /** * User Event 1.0 example detailing usage of the Submit events * * @appliedtorecord employee */ var exports = {}; function beforeSubmit(type)...
For this example, we want to make sure that any Employee who is marked as a Project Resource also has an appropriate Labor Cost defined. // 1.0, Revealing Module pattern var myNamespace = myNamespace || {}; myNamespace.example = (function () { /** * User Event 1.0 example detailing...
Detailed instructions on getting iOS 10 set up or installed.
Elastic Beanstalk (EB) is essentially a hybrid between Golden AMIs and CloudFormation, while vastly simplifying the learning curve of Puppet or Chef. An Elastic Beanstalk deployment is broken down into two components: Application and Environment. Application Consider this your top-level groupin...
Blue/Green deployment is a release technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments (one called "Blue", the other called "Green"). At any one time, only one of the environments is serving live traffic, while the other is sitting idle. Whe...
Detailed instructions on getting actionscript set up or installed.
let inline getLength s = (^a: (member Length: _) s) //usage: getLength "Hello World" // or "Hello World" |> getLength // returns 11
No Java variable represents an object. String foo; // NOT AN OBJECT Neither does any Java array contain objects. String bar[] = new String[100]; // No member is an object. If you mistakenly think of variables as objects, the actual behavior of the Java language will surprise you. For...
Castle enables to register components also via XML Registration. //To install from the app/web.config container.Install(Configuration.FromAppConfig()); //To install from an xml file Configuration.FromXmlFile("relative_path_to_file.xml"); Read Castle's documentation for "What ...
Background: The Household entity includes a set of options, each of which is an entity that is managed in an admin backend. Each option has a boolean enabled flag. If a previously enabled option is set to disabled it will need to be persisted in later Household edits, but cannot be edited away. T...
It's possible to make a simple lazily-evaluated list using mutable types and closures. A lazily-evaluated list is a list whose elements are not evaluated when it's constructed, but rather when it is accessed. Benefits of lazily evaluated lists include the possibility of being infinite. import Base:...
boost::replace_all(): #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> using namespace std; int main() { // String to replace characters in string str = "Darn you, Darn you to the 5th power!!!"; // Replace "Da...
Detailed instructions on getting networking set up or installed.
So you want to add material design to your business or career portfolio.huh? You Just can not resist using a Modal? which pops upon a click on those crisp cards you intend to design, for each of your projects/products! Let us say, for each project, you have done, or for each product you have design...
Note I assume you know Webcomponent Specifications Polymer from Google What if, we could just have one custom element, say <tool-bar></tool-bar> and it magically did everything that messy Modal markup could? Tempting eh! How do you specify which Modal belongs to which project...
So far, we defined how easy it is to write a custom element that hides the messy html behind it and gives the user, an easy to write and brief markup. Time to code it! Our custom element, to display the bar below the hero image should Accept a Link to be shared Accept a Link to the Repo to be ...
On whichever page you want to display your product / project portfolio, invoke the custom element like so: <article id="project-neighbourhood"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 hero"> <img src="path-to-hero-image...

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