Tutorial by Examples: al

Detailed instructions on getting elastic-beanstalk set up or installed.
Introduction The following procedure was tested on a test instance in AWS, with Redhat and Solr 6.1.0. You may need to adjust the process to your operating system and environment accordingly. Prerequisites Make sure you use RedHat or a similar (Fedora-based) OS. cat /etc/redhat-release disp...
Before the Julia 0.5, there is no way to use conditions inside the array comprehensions. But, it is no longer true. In Julia 0.5 we can use the conditions inside conditions like the following: julia> [x^2 for x in 0:9 if x > 5] 4-element Array{Int64,1}: 36 49 64 81 Source of the ...
Using ls() as a filter can sometimes provide produce odd results. If you accidentally forget to pass a filter argument and call ls() with no arguments, you will get a list of every node in the Maya scene: cmds.ls() # [u'time1', u'sequenceManager1', u'hardwareRenderingGlobals', u'renderPartition...
To download Sublime Text, visit the download section on their website. There are various builds for different operating systems including: OXS Windows Ubuntu (64 & 32 bit) Once Sublime Text has been successfully downloaded, simply open the .dmg file to start the installation process. A...
tkinter is a GUI toolkit that provides a wrapper around the Tk/Tcl GUI library and is included with Python. The following code creates a new window using tkinter and places some text in the window body. Note: In Python 2, the capitalization may be slightly different, see Remarks section below. ...
Often when using a callback you want access to a specific context. function SomeClass(msg, elem) { this.msg = msg; elem.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log(this.msg); // <= will fail because "this" is undefined }); } var s = new SomeClass("hello&q...
Generally, each model maps to a single database table.We to write the field type,limits,size,etc in model.py file of the app. This will create the necessary table and fields in the database. ''' models.py ''' from django.db import models class table_name(models.Model): fie...
Detailed instructions on getting telerik set up or installed.
Maximum subarray problem is the method to find the contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sum. The problem was originally proposed by Ulf Grenander of Brown University in 1977, as a simplified model for maximum likelihood estimation of patterns in digiti...
Few of the eclipse classic versions don't come pre-installed with marketplace, this maybe installed using the following steps: Goto Help → Install new Software Add new Repository(site specified below) General Purpose Tools → Marketplace Client Click Finish and you are done. Marketplace upda...
Before getting started on Processing for Android, make sure you have Processing installed. Open Processing Click on Add Mode... located in the top right of the window: Search for "android" in the Contribution Manager and choose the option that has the author "The Processing Fou...
Launch standalone player activity Intent standAlonePlayerIntent = YouTubeStandalonePlayer.createVideoIntent((Activity) context, Config.YOUTUBE_API_KEY, // which you have created in step 3 videoId, // video which is to be played 100, //The time,...
crawled_site = ["http://www.google.com", "http://www.stackoverflow.com"] |> Enum.map(fn site -> Task.async(fn -> crawl(site) end) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1)
The binder gives you an opportunity to inspect what types are being loaded in your application domain Create a class inherited from SerializationBinder class MyBinder : SerializationBinder { public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName) { if (typeName.Eq...
One of the most interesting Number Patterns is Pascal's Triangle. The Name "Pascal's Triangle" named after Blaise Pascal, a famous French Mathematician and Philosopher. In Mathematics, Pascal's Triangle is a triangular array of binomial coefficients.The rows of Pascal's triangle are conve...
public class PascalsTriangle { static void PascalTriangle(int n) { for (int line = 1; line <= n; line++) { int c = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= line; i++) { Console.WriteLine(c); c = c * (line - i)...
In above examples you understand how to localize resources of application. Following example explain how to change the application locale within application, not from device. In order to change Application locale only, you can use below locale util. import android.app.Application; import android.c...
Background Theory: Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm is an efficient and accurate raster line generating algorithm developed by Bresenham. It involves only integer calculation so it is accurate and fast. It can also be extended to display circles another curves. In Bresenham line drawing algorith...
Here's a program which might benefit from refactoring. It's a simple program using C++11 which is intended to calculate and print all prime numbers from 1 to 100 and is based on a program that was posted on CodeReview for review. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cma...

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