Tutorial by Examples: al

@sorted = sort @list; @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @list; sub compare { $a cmp $b } @sorted = sort compare @list; The three examples above do exactly the same thing. If you don't supply any comparator function or block, sort assumes you want the list on its right sorted lexically. This is ...
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.android.js \ --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle \ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
Detailed instructions on getting simulink set up or installed.
ensure you have java 6 or above and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. download the latest flink binary here: wget flink-XXXX.tar.gz If you don't plan to work with Hadoop, pick the hadoop 1 version. Also, note the scala version you download, so you can add the correct maven...
A Table can be written to a TableSink, which is a generic interface to support different formats and file systems. A batch Table can only be written to a BatchTableSink, while a streaming table requires a StreamTableSink. Currently, flink offers only the CsvTableSink interface. Usage In the examp...
Unlike other languages, Python doesn't have a do-until or a do-while construct (this will allow code to be executed once before the condition is tested). However, you can combine a while True with a break to achieve the same purpose. a = 10 while True: a = a-1 print(a) if a<7: ...
Pre-requisites: Java 7 Hadoop (Refer here for Hadoop Installation) Mysql Server and Client Installation: Step 1: Download the latest Hive tarball from the downloads page. Step 2: Extract the downloaded tarball (Assumption: The tarball is downloaded in $HOME) tar -xvf /home/username/apache...
Homebrew can be installed using the following command in the terminal: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" It runs as the current user; you don’t need to use sudo. The script can be viewed online and will print a summary of...
This uses the Dropbox Java SDK to share a file at "/test.txt" with a specific user: List<MemberSelector> newMembers = new ArrayList<MemberSelector>(); MemberSelector newMember = MemberSelector.email("<EMAIL_ADDRESS_TO_INVITE>"); newMembers.add(newMember); ...
This uses the Dropbox Java SDK to retrieve an existing shared link for /Testing/test.txt specifically: ListSharedLinksResult listSharedLinksResult = client.sharing() .listSharedLinksBuilder() .withPath("/Testing/test.txt").withDirectOnly(true) .start(); System....
$command = 'Get-ChildItem' & $Command Will execute Get-ChildItem
Running the installer will set up the application along with any and all available add-ons to enable additional functionality (for example, the Web add-on is required in order to allow QTP to control browser objects, the Terminal add-on allows it to control terminal emulator applications, the Java a...
Detailed instructions on getting spark-dataframe set up or installed.
New Java programmers often forget, or fail to fully comprehend, that the Java String class is immutable. This leads to problems like the one in the following example: public class Shout { public static void main(String[] args) { for (String s : args) { s.toUpperCase(); ...
K-fold cross-validation is a systematic process for repeating the train/test split procedure multiple times, in order to reduce the variance associated with a single trial of train/test split. You essentially split the entire dataset into K equal size "folds", and each fold is used once fo...
This example uses the gson library to map java objects to json strings. The (de)serializers are generic, but they don't always need to be ! Serializer Code public class GsonSerializer<T> implements Serializer<T> { private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); @Over...
A very common use-case in web applications is performing multiple asynchronous (eg. HTTP) requests and gathering their results as they arrive or all of them at once (eg. in Angular2 with the HTTP service). 1. Gathering async responses one by one as they arrive This is typically done with mergeMap(...
Download visual studio code from here Visual studio code. Select your target installer[mac|windows|linux]. Go to downloaded file in your local. Below steps in volved for installing Installation finished successfully.
In Progress 4GL the normal way to write a special character is to preceed it with a tilde character (~). These are the default special characters SequenceInterpreted asComment~""Used to write " inside strings defined using "string".~''Used to write ' inside strings defined...
class SomeSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attribute :title, key: :name attributes :body end

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