The package declaration should not be line wrapped, regardless of whether it exceeds the recommended maximum length of a line.
Order of class members
Class members should be ordered as follows:
Fields (in order of public, protected and private)
Factory methods
Other Methods (in order of public, protected and private)
Ordering fields and methods primarily by their access modifiers or identifier is not ...
Vertical Whitespace
A single blank line should be used to separate…
Package declaration
Class declarations
Static initializers
Instance initializers
…and may be used to separate logical groups of
import statements
Multiple consec...
One variable per declaration (and at most one declaration per line)
Square brackets of arrays should be at the type (String[] args) and not on the variable (String args[]).
Declare a local variable right before it is first used, and initialize it as close to the declaration as possible.
In this example, a function map named funcMap is supplied to the template via the Funcs() method and then invoked inside the template. Here, the function increment() is used to get around the lack of a less than or equal function in the templating language. Note in the output how the final item in t...
Note how field values are obtained using {{.FieldName}}.
package main
import (
type Person struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
Street string
City string
State string
First, here's what can happen when text/template is used for HTML. Note Harry's FirstName property).
package main
import (
type Person struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
Street string
Using regular recursion, each recursive call pushes another entry onto the call stack. When the recursion is completed, the application has to pop each entry off all the way back down. If there are much recursive function calls it can end up with a huge stack.
Scala automatically removes the recurs...
Methods in Go are just like functions, except they have receiver.
Usually receiver is some kind of struct or type.
package main
import (
type Employee struct {
Name string
Age int
Rank int
func (empl *Employee) Promote() {
With methods in golang you can do method "chaining" passing pointer to method and returning pointer to the same struct like this:
package main
import (
type Employee struct {
Name string
Age int
Rank int
func (empl *Employee) Promote() *...
context.lineCap=capStyle // butt (default), round, square
Sets the cap style of line starting points and ending points.
butt, the default lineCap style, shows squared caps that do not extend beyond the line's starting and ending points.
round, shows rounded caps that extend beyond the ...
shadowColor = color // CSS color
shadowBlur = width // integer blur width
shadowOffsetX = distance // shadow is moved horizontally by this offset
shadowOffsetY = distance // shadow is moved vertically by this offset
This set of attributes will add a shadow around a path.
var gradient = createLinearGradient( startX, startY, endX, endY )
gradient.addColorStop(gradientPercentPosition, CssColor)
gradient.addColorStop(gradientPercentPosition, CssColor)
[optionally add more color stops to add to the variety of the gradient]
Creates a reusable linear gradient (object...
var gradient = createRadialGradient(
centerX1, centerY1, radius1, // this is the "display' circle
centerX2, centerY2, radius2 // this is the "light casting" circle
gradient.addColorStop(gradientPercentPosition, CssColor)
Once you have setup and configured the php5-fpm and wordpress settings you can configure the /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf file as below.
You need to define the location blocks inside the server block and rewrite the url there as defined.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
Use itertools.chain to create a single generator which will yield the values from several generators in sequence.
from itertools import chain
a = (x for x in ['1', '2', '3', '4'])
b = (x for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'])
' '.join(chain(a, b))
Results in:
'1 2 3 4 x y z'
As an alternate constructo...
import std.stdio;
T min(T)(in T arg1, in T arg2) {
return arg1 < arg2 ? arg1 : arg2;
void main() {
//Automatic type inference
writeln(min(1, 2));
//Explicit type
writeln(min!(ubyte)(1, 2));
//With single type, the parenthesis might be ommited
You can check for syntax errors and referenced files in an NGINX configuration file before running it with:
nginx -t
Alternatively you can run service script
service nginx configtest
While both of these commands will tell you if your new nginx configuration is ok [without killing your curren...