Tutorial by Examples: c

function footag_func( $atts ) { return "foo = {$atts['foo']}"; } add_shortcode( 'footag', 'footag_func' ); In plugins we can add shortcodes using the add_shortcode function. The shortcode can be used in any Wordpress page or post just by enclosing it in square brackets. [footag...
<?php echo do_shortcode("[footag foo='Hi! I am a foo output']"); ?> To print a shortcode using php use the do_shortcode function and echo the returned value.
Like Getting a result from another Activity you need to call the Fragment's method startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode). note that you should not call getActivity().startActivityForResult() as this will take the result back to the Fragment's parent Activity. Receiving the result c...
Here a simple portable way to get the current device family: /// <summary> /// All the device families /// </summary> public enum DeviceFamily { Desktop, Mobile, Iot, Xbox, } /// <summary> /// The helper to get the current device family /// </summ...
Depending on the device/release version of the system, some API may not be available. You can check which contract is supported by using ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent() For example, this will return true on phone devices and false on the others ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent(typeof(Cal...
This program draws some shapes and 'hello world!' and let an image go to every corner of the window. the complete code: import pygame,sys from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() FPS = 30 #frames per second setting fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() #set up the window screen = pygame.disp...
The register sp is used as stack pointer, pointing to the last stored value into stack ("top" of stack). So EX (sp),hl will exchange value of hl with the value on top of stack. Contrary to "top" word, the stack grows in memory by decreasing the sp, and releases ("pops"...
First of all we need to add SQLite support to our application. There are two ways of doing that Download DLL suiting your system from SQLite download page and then add to the project manually Add SQLite dependency via NuGet We'll do it the second way First open the NuGet menu and search f...
While you can use the @testSetup annotation to designate a method to be run before tests are executed, this method will usually only be run once. If you need code to be run before each test, you can use a static block: @isTest public class MyTest { static { // code here will be run before ...
The browser identifies tokens from stylesheet and coverts them into nodes which are linked into a tree structure. The entire map of all the nodes with their associated styles of a page would be the CSS Object Model. To display the webpage, a web browser takes following steps. The web browser exa...
using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(@"Data Source=data.db;Pooling=true;FailIfMissing=false")) { conn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(conn)) { cmd.CommandText = "query"; using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReade...
The two mapAccum functions combine the operations of folding and mapping. -- A Traversable structure -- | -- A seed value | ...
Charts can be created by working directly with the Series object that defines the chart data. In order to get to the Series without an exisitng chart, you create a ChartObject on a given Worksheet and then get the Chart object from it. The upside of working with the Series object is that you can s...
The starting point for the vast majority of charting code is to create an empty Chart. Note that this Chart is subject to the default chart template that is active and may not actually be empty (if the template has been modified). The key to the ChartObject is determining its location. The syntax...
For complete control over a new Chart and Series object (especially for a dynamic Series name), you must resort to modifying the SERIES formula directly. The process to set up the Range objects is straightforward and the main hurdle is simply the string building for the SERIES formula. The SERIES ...
A common chore with charts in Excel is standardizing the size and layout of multiple charts on a single sheet. If done manually, you can hold down ALT while resizing or moving the chart to "stick" to cell boundaries. This works for a couple charts, but a VBA approach is much simpler. Co...
If a type t is Traversable then values of t a can be split into two pieces: their "shape" and their "contents": data Traversed t a = Traversed { shape :: t (), contents :: [a] } where the "contents" are the same as what you'd "visit" using a Foldable insta...
With Parallel List Comprehensions language extension, [(x,y) | x <- xs | y <- ys] is equivalent to zip xs ys Example: [(x,y) | x <- [1,2,3] | y <- [10,20]] -- [(1,10),(2,20)]
A tuple is a heterogeneous collection of two to twenty-two values. A tuple can be defined using parentheses. For tuples of size 2 (also called a 'pair') there's an arrow syntax. scala> val x = (1, "hello") x: (Int, String) = (1,hello) scala> val y = 2 -> "world" y:...
The TIMESTAMP column will show when the row was last updated. CREATE TABLE `TestLastUpdate` ( `ID` INT NULL, `Name` VARCHAR(50) NULL, `Address` VARCHAR(50) NULL, `LastUpdate` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) COMMENT='Last Update' ;

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