Tutorial by Examples

To download dependencies, declare the repository so Gradle can find them. To do this, add a repositories { ... } to the app/ module's build.gradle in the top-level file. repositories { // Gradle's Java plugin allows the addition of these two repositories via method calls: jcenter() mavenCe...
In a multi-project gradle build, you can have a dependency with another module in your build. Example: dependencies { // Dependency on the "mylibrary" module from this project compile project(":mylibrary") } The compile project(':mylibrary') line decla...
You can have a dependency with a single jar or multiple jar files. With a single jar file you can add: dependencies { compile files('libs/local_dependency.jar') } It's possible to add a directory of jars to compile. dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']...
You can add remote dependencies in Gradle usign this structure: compile 'group:name:version' or this alternative syntax: compile group: 'xxx', name: 'xxxxx', version: 'xxxx' For example: compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0' The compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1....
{ "description": "My awesome library", "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.0" }, "frameworks": { "netstandard1.3": { } } } A library that targets netstandard1.3 can be used on any fr...
{ "description": "My awesome library", "dependencies": { }, "frameworks": { "net40": { }, "netstandard1.3": { "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.0" ...
Init array of view controllers which will be managed by UIPageViewController. Add a base view controller class which has property identifier which will be used to identify view controllers when working with UIPageViewController data source methods. Let the view controllers to inherit from that bas...
This demonstrates a non-trivial example of wrapping a C++ dll with Cython. It will cover the following main steps: Create an example DLL with C++ using Visual Studio. Wrap the DLL with Cython so that it may be called in Python. It is assumed that you have Cython installed and can successfully...
The special symbol T represents the value true in Common Lisp, while the special symbol NIL represents false: CL-USER> (= 3 3) T CL-USER> (= 3 4) NIL They are called “Constant Variables” (sic!) in the standard, since they are variables whose value cannot be modified. As a consequence, y...
Actually any value different from NIL is considered a true value in Common Lisp. For instance: CL-USER> (let ((a (+ 2 2))) (if a a "Oh my! 2 + 2 is equal to NIL!")) 4 This fact can be combined with the boolean operators to make programs m...
R has a number of build in constants. The following constants are available: LETTERS: the 26 upper-case letters of the Roman alphabet letters: the 26 lower-case letters of the Roman alphabet month.abb: the three-letter abbreviations for the English month names month.name: the English names fo...
The ngCloak directive is used to prevent the Angular html template from being briefly displayed by the browser in its raw (uncompiled) form while your application is loading. - View source HTML <div ng-cloak> <h1>Hello {{ name }}</h1> </div> ngCloak can be appl...
The command prompt comes pre-installed on all Windows NT, Windows CE, OS/2 and eComStation operating systems, and exists as cmd.exe, typically located in C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe On Windows 7 the fastest ways to open the command prompt are: Press Win 𐌎, type "cmd" and then press ...
Any ASCII editor can edit batch files. A list of editors that can syntax highlight batch syntax can be found here. You can also use the default notepad shipped with windows to edit and view a batch file, although it does not offer syntax highlighting. To open notepad: Press Win 𐌎+R, type notepa...
To get help on a batch file command you can use the built-in help. Open a command prompt (whose executable is cmd.exe) and enter help to see all available commands. To get help for any of these commands, type help followed by the name of the command. For example: help help Will display: Prov...
This quickstart is written for Mac OSX Mavericks, and is a bit more verbose than other installation instructions. It should hopefully cover a few edge cases, such as setting your path, and configuring NPM, which can cause an installation to go awry. # install node # as of OSX Mavericks, we...
This quickstart is written for Mac OSX Mavericks, and is a bit more verbose than other installation instructions. It should hopefully cover a few edge cases, such as setting your path, and configuring NPM, which can cause an installation to go awry. # install meteor curl https://install.meteor...
Meteor doesn't exist in isolation, and it's common to install a number of extra tools for development, such as Mongo, Robomongo, Atom, Linters, etc. # make sure mongo is in your local path nano ~/.profile export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mongodb/bin # or install it to the global path nano /etc/...
# install node-inspector terminal-a$ npm install -g node-inspector # start meteor terminal-a$ cd helloworld terminal-a$ NODE_OPTIONS='--debug-brk --debug' mrt run # alternatively, some people report this syntax being better terminal-a$ sudo NODE_OPTIONS='--debug' ROOT_URL=http://hellow...
To enable translation in templates you must load the i18n library. {% load i18n %} Basic translation is made with the trans template tag. {% trans "Some translatable text" %} {# equivalent to python `ugettext("Some translatable text")` #} The trans template tag supports ...

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