Tutorial by Examples: c

1-You need to connect your device to your computer via USB cable. Make sure USB debugging is working. You can check if it shows up when running adb devices(or tns device). 2-Run adb tcpip 5555 3-Disconnect your device (remove the USB cable). 4-Go to the Settings -> About phone -> Status...
In order to compare query sequences against reference sequences, you must create a blastdb of your reference(s). This is done using makeblastdb which is included when you install blast. makeblastdb -in <input fasta> -dbtype nucl -out <label for database> So if you had a file referen...
You can extract fasta sequence from a blastdb constructed from a fasta file using blastdbcmd which should be installed when you install makeblastdb. blastdbcmd -entry all -db <database label> -out <outfile> If you had a database called my_database which contained the files my_databas...
The same example above, Image loading, can be written using async functions. This also allows using the common try/catch method for exception handling. Note: as of April 2017, the current releases of all browsers but Internet Explorer supports async functions. function loadImage(url) { return...
While working on the development of an R package it is often necessary to install the latest version of the package. This can be achieved by first building a source distribution of the package (on the command line) R CMD build my_package and then installing it in R. Any running R sessions with p...
The getaddrinfo() function is the recommended POSIX function for interfacing with the system resolver. Depending on system configuration it will perform name lookups in the DNS, /etc/hosts, mDNS, etc. It is preferred over the deprecated gethostbyname() family of functions because it supports both ...
The method charCodeAt retrieves the Unicode character code of a single character: var charCode = "µ".charCodeAt(); // The character code of the letter µ is 181 To get the character code of a character in a string, the 0-based position of the character is passed as a parameter to charCo...
Full width table cell background images <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"> <head> <style> v:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); display: inline-block; } </style> </head> <body> <center> <...
Some email clients (notably Windows Desktop Outlook) collapse tables with no content, even if there are dimensions or padding. To prevent these clients from collapsing the spacer table, you can add an invisible   that serves as content. Then zero out the character's font-size and line-heig...

Element Spacing
Outlook can sometimes add a bit of spacing on the left and right side of a element that can cause some layout-related headaches. By using the vendor-specific mso-table-lspace and mso-table-rspace CSS properties, you can be rid of those spaces and continue on to tackle the million other problems cau...
Create new patches with hg qnew patch-name and then update them with new changes with hg qrefresh: hg qnew myFirstPatch // Creates a new patch called "myFirstPatch" ... // Edit some files hg qrefresh // Updates "myFirstPatch" with changes hg qnew ...
Pushing a patch applies the patch to the repository while poping a patch unapplies the patch from the repository. Pop the current patch off the queue with hg qpop and push it back onto the queue with hg qpush: hg qpop hg qpush Pop all patches: hg qpop -a PUsh all patches: hg qpush -a ...
Finishing patches makes them permanent changesets. Finish first applied patch in the queue: hg qfinish Finish all applied patches in the queue: hg qfinish -a
To fold (combine) two patches: hg qnew firstPatch // Create first patch hg qnew secondPatch // Create second patch hg qpop // Pop secondPatch hg qfold secondPatch // Fold secondPatch with firstPatch
qnew: create a new patch qpop: pop the current patch off the stack qpush: push the next patch onto the stack qrefresh: update the current patch qapplied: print the patches already applied qseries: print the entire series file qfinish: move applied patches into repository history qdelete: re...
Functional tests are best described as tests for your user stories. If you've dealt with user stories before they normally follow the following pattern: As a [role], I want to [desire], so that [benefit/desired outcome] For the following examples we'll use this user story as an example: As a Du...
If we want to test JavaScript on a website, we'll need to use something a bit more powerful than Goutte (which is just cURL via Guzzle). There are a couple of options such as ZombieJS, Selenium and Sahi. For this example I'll use Selenium. First you'll need to install the drivers for Mink: $ compo...
From documentation: The HttpContext.Items collection is the best location to store data that is only needed while processing a given request. Its contents are discarded after each request. It is best used as a means of communicating between components or middleware that operate at different poi...
The wheel collider inside unity is built upon Nvidia's PhysX wheel collider, and therefore shares many similar properties. Technically unity is a "unitless" program, but to make everything make sense, some standard units are required. Basic Properties Mass - the weight of the wheel in ...
A global RegExp match can be performed using preg_match_all. preg_match_all returns all matching results in the subject string (in contrast to preg_match, which only returns the first one). The preg_match_all function returns the number of matches. Third parameter $matches will contain matches in f...

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