Tutorial by Examples: c

$( "#accordion" ).accordion( "refresh" ); This method recomputes the height of the accordion panels if headers or content was added or removed in the DOM.
var widget = $( "#accordion" ).accordion( "widget" ); This method returns a jQuery object containing the accordion.
A typical email has three main components: A recipient (represented as an email address) A subject A message body Sending mail in PHP can be as simple as calling the built-in function mail(). mail() takes up to five parameters but the first three are all that is required to send an email (al...
Switch statements compare the value of an expression against 1 or more values and executes different sections of code based on that comparison. var value = 1; switch (value) { case 1: console.log('I will always run'); break; case 2: console.log('I will never run'); break;...
The first argument of re.match() is the regular expression, the second is the string to match: import re pattern = r"123" string = "123zzb" re.match(pattern, string) # Out: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match='123'> match = re.match(pattern, string) ma...
pattern = r"(your base)" sentence = "All your base are belong to us." match = re.search(pattern, sentence) match.group(1) # Out: 'your base' match = re.search(r"(belong.*)", sentence) match.group(1) # Out: 'belong to us.' Searching is done anywhere in the ...
Special characters (like the character class brackets [ and ] below) are not matched literally: match = re.search(r'[b]', 'a[b]c') match.group() # Out: 'b' By escaping the special characters, they can be matched literally: match = re.search(r'\[b\]', 'a[b]c') match.group() # Out: '[b]' T...
Replacements can be made on strings using re.sub. Replacing strings re.sub(r"t[0-9][0-9]", "foo", "my name t13 is t44 what t99 ever t44") # Out: 'my name foo is foo what foo ever foo' Using group references Replacements with a small number of groups can be made a...
Make sure you see Registering for local notifications in order for this to work: Swift let notification = UILocalNotification() notification.alertBody = "Hello, local notifications!" notification.fireDate = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10) // 10 seconds after now UIApplication.sh...
iOS 8 In order to present local notifications to the user, you have to register your app with the device: Swift let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [.Badge, .Sound, .Alert], categories: nil) UIApplication.sharedApplication().registerUserNotificationSettings(settings) Objective...
Steam has a games under $10 section of their store page. Somewhere deep in the heart of their systems, there's probably a query that looks something like: SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Price < 10
The Basics The simplist way to convert one date format into another is to use strtotime() with date(). strtotime() will convert the date into a Unix Timestamp. That Unix Timestamp can then be passed to date() to convert it to the new format. $timestamp = strtotime('2008-07-01T22:35:17.02'); $new_...
MATLAB allows for several methods to index (access) elements of matrices and arrays: Subscript indexing - where you specify the position of the elements you want in each dimension of the matrix separately. Linear indexing - where the matrix is treated as a vector, no matter its dimensions. That ...
re.findall(r"[0-9]{2,3}", "some 1 text 12 is 945 here 4445588899") # Out: ['12', '945', '444', '558', '889'] Note that the r before "[0-9]{2,3}" tells python to interpret the string as-is; as a "raw" string. You could also use re.finditer() which works in...
Available in the standard library as defaultdict from collections import defaultdict d = defaultdict(int) d['key'] # 0 d['key'] = 5 d['key'] # 5 d = defaultdict(lambda: 'empty') d['key'] # 'empty' d['key'] = 'full' ...
Given some JSON file "foo.json" like: {"foo": {"bar": {"baz": 1}}} we can call the module directly from the command line (passing the filename as an argument) to pretty-print it: $ python -m json.tool foo.json { "foo": { "bar...
To create a variable in Python, all you need to do is specify the variable name, and then assign a value to it. <variable name> = <value> Python uses = to assign values to variables. There's no need to declare a variable in advance (or to assign a data type to it), assigning a value ...
4.0 To uppercase $ v="hello" # Just the first character $ printf '%s\n' "${v^}" Hello # All characters $ printf '%s\n' "${v^^}" HELLO # Alternative $ v="hello world" $ declare -u string="$v" $ echo "$string" HELLO WORLD To l...
A positive lookahead (?=123) asserts the text is followed by the given pattern, without including the pattern in the match. Similarly, a positive lookbehind (?<=123) asserts the text is preceded by the given pattern. Replacing the = with ! negates the assertion. Input: 123456 123(?=456) mat...
Number('0') === 0 Number('0') will convert the string ('0') into a number (0) A shorter, but less clear, form: +'0' === 0 The unary + operator does nothing to numbers, but converts anything else to a number. Interestingly, +(-12) === -12. parseInt('0', 10) === 0 parseInt('0', 10) will c...

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