Tutorial by Examples

Indexes can have several characteristics that can be set either at creation, or by altering existing indexes. CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_clust_employee_id ON Employees(EmployeeId, Email); The above SQL statement creates a new clustered index on Employees. Clustered indexes are indexes that dict...
UPDATE Customers SET Email = "[email protected]" WHERE id = 1; This will fail if an unique index is set on the Email column of Customers. However, alternate behavior can be defined for this case: UPDATE Customers SET Email = "[email protected]" WHERE id = 1 ON DUP...
You define a class like this: class Dog {} A class can also be a subclass of another class: class Animal {} class Dog: Animal {} In this example, Animal could also be a protocol that Dog conforms to.
Classes are reference types, meaning that multiple variables can refer to the same instance. class Dog { var name = "" } let firstDog = Dog() firstDog.name = "Fido" let otherDog = firstDog // otherDog points to the same Dog instance otherDog.name = "Rover" // modifying otherDog also...
Classes can define properties that instances of the class can use. In this example, Dog has two properties: name and dogYearAge: class Dog { var name = "" var dogYearAge = 0 } You can access the properties with dot syntax: let dog = Dog() print(dog.name) print(dog.dogYear...
Templating can also be applied to functions (as well as the more traditional structures) with the same effect. // 'T' stands for the unknown type // Both of our arguments will be of the same type. template<typename T> void printSum(T add1, T add2) { std::cout << (add1 + add2) &...
The key to correctly stretching is in the top and left border. The top border controls horizontal stretching and the left border controls vertical stretching. This example creates rounded corners suitable for a Toast. The parts of the image that are below the top border and to the right of the ...
The Spinner can be reskinned according to your own style requirements using a Nine Patch. As an example, see this Nine Patch: As you can see, it has 3 extremely small areas of stretching marked. The top border has only left of the icon marked. That indicates that I want the left side (complete ...
var date1 = new Date(); date1.toJSON(); Returns: "2016-04-14T23:49:08.596Z"
Factorials can be computed at compile-time using template metaprogramming techniques. #include <iostream> template<unsigned int n> struct factorial { enum { value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value }; }; template<> struct factorial<0> { ...
WScript.Echo "Hello world!" This displays a message on the console if run with cscript.exe (the console host) or in a message box if run with wscript.exe (the GUI host). If you're using VBScript as the server-side scripting language for a web page (for classic ASP, for example), Respo...
In MATLAB, the most basic data type is the numeric array. It can be a scalar, a 1-D vector, a 2-D matrix, or an N-D multidimensional array. % a 1-by-1 scalar value x = 1; To create a row vector, enter the elements inside brackets, separated by spaces or commas: % a 1-by-4 row vector v = [1, 2...
Composer generates a vendor/autoload.php file. You might simply include this file and you will get autoloading for free. require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; This makes working with third-party dependencies very easy. You can also add your own code to the Autoloader by adding an autoload ...
Swift let label = UILabel() Objective-C UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init]; or UILabel *label = [UILabel new]; // convenience method for calling alloc-init Change the default font's size Swift label.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(17) Swift 3 label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSi...
The Implicit Grant flow is best suited for Web applications. It's easily integrated into a website using JavaScript and doesn't require a server to store the authorization code to retrieve a token. You'll first send the user to the Twitch authorization endpoint. This URL is made up of a the base au...
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Zack', 'Smith', '[email protected]', '7049989942', 'EMAIL'); This statement will insert a new row into the Customers table. Note that a value was not specified for the Id column, as it will be added automatically. However, all other column values must be specified. ...
INSERT INTO Customers (FName, LName, Email, PreferredContact) VALUES ('Zack', 'Smith', '[email protected]', 'EMAIL'); This statement will insert a new row into the Customers table. Data will only be inserted into the columns specified - note that no value was provided for the PhoneNumber column. ...
The second step to creating a subscription for a user is to create and execute a billing agreement, based on an existing activated billing plan. This example assumes that you have already gone through and activated a billing plan in the previous example, and have an ID for that billing plan to refer...
When creating a subscription for a user, you first need to create and activate a billing plan that a user is then subscribed to using a billing agreement. The full process for creating a subscription is detailed in the remarks of this topic. Within this example, we're going to be using the PayPal N...
object HelloWorld extends App { println("Hello, world!") } Live demo By extending the App trait, you can avoid defining an explicit main method. The entire body of the HelloWorld object is treated as "the main method". 2.11.0 Delayed Initialization Per the official d...

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