Tutorial by Examples: c

Just use default DividerItemDecoration class : NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) findViewById(R.id.navigation); NavigationMenuView navMenuView = (NavigationMenuView) navigationView.getChildAt(0); navMenuView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(context,DividerItemDecoration....
Alfresco is ECM (enterprise content management) system, based on java frameworks and javascript. Alfresco (as a "repository" is the base core of the Alfresco as a product). It provides eg. encrypted content store, specific permissions settings, content types with specific properties (like...
The function takes the argument of the current node index, adjacency list (stored in vector of vectors in this example), and vector of boolean to keep track of which node has been visited. void dfs(int node, vector<vector<int>>* graph, vector<bool>* visited) { // check whethe...
These PDF documents, starting from 1964, are those parts of the OS/360 "System Reference Library" (SRL) with enduring relevance and are also the earliest System/360 publications available on the web. Given IBM's stubborn insistance on full upward compatibility, all facilities described he...
Lets take fb login as testcase,will see how to capture and export as JAVA class Click on the selenium IDE icon on top right corner of your browser Enter the url https://facebook.com Click on Record button , as shown in the screenshot Export the usecase as java file Save the file in you lo...
A Facade provides a unified, high-level interface to subsystem interfaces. This allows for simpler, safer access to the more general facilities of a subsystem. The following is an example of a Facade used to set and retrieve objects in UserDefaults. enum Defaults { static func set(_ object:...
Right click in MAIN folder > New > Folder > Assets Folder. Assets folder will be under MAIN folder with the same symbol as RES folder. In this example I put a font file.
public class TabAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { CustomTypefaceSpan fonte; List<Fragment> fragments = new ArrayList<>(4); private String[] icons = {"\ue001","\uE002","\uE003","\uE004"}; public TabAdapter(FragmentManager fm, CustomType...
Solarized has two options - light and dark mode. Light Mode: syntax enable set background=light colorscheme solarized Dark Mode: syntax enable set background=dark colorscheme solarized
Assuming we have a working laravel application running in, say, "mylaravel.com",we want our application to show a "Hello World" message when we hit the URL http://mylaravel.com/helloworld . It involves the creation of two files (the view and the controller) and the modification o...
Controller Function Controller function is nothing but just a JavaScript constructor function. Hence, when a view loads the function context(this) is set to the controller object. Case 1 : this.constFunction = function() { ... } It is created in the controller object, not on $scope. views can ...
You can use cell references without row numbers. For instance, the formula =sum(C:C) will add up all the values in column C of the active sheet. This is helpful when you are adding and removing rows but don't want to update your formulas each time. There are some instances when using this whole co...
Why do we need it? Content extension helps us to create custom user interface upon notification expanasion. You use this framework to define an extension that receives the notification data and provides the corresponding visual representation. Your extension can also respond to custom actions asso...
Pack your com.stackoverflow.${whatever} clases on a jar called stackoverflow.jar Create folder com/stackoverflow/main on ${WILDFLY_HOME}/modules Put the jar on the last dir Create a file called module.xml with the following content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"...
For some reason you develop a new version of com.stackoverflow (say version 1.1), then you should: Create folder com/stackoverflow/1.1 on ${WILDFLY_HOME}/modules Put the new jar on last dir Create file module.xml on last dir with the following content <?xml version="1.0" encodin...
By default modules are placed on ${WILDFLY}/modules directory but you can have more directories with modules, just edit your standalone.conf (or standalone.conf.bat if you are on Microsoft Windows) and properly set the variable JBOSS_MODULEPATH For example in Unix/Linux/MacOSX: JBOSS_MODULEPATH=&q...
A common mistake is to forget surrounding compound function arguments with parentheses, leading to type errors. # string_of_int 1+1;; Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int This is because of the precedence. In fact, the above evaluates to # (string...
Redis provides the SCAN command to iterate over the keys in the database matching a particular pattern. Redis supports glob style pattern matching in the SCAN command. The SCAN command provides a cursor-based iterator over the Redis keyspace. The iterative call sequence to SCAN starts with the us...
The redis-py client provides two classes StrictRedis and Redis to establish a basic connection to a Redis database. The Redis class is provided for backwards compatibility and new projects should use the StrictRedis class. One of the recommended ways to establish a connection, is to define the con...
ICalculator.aidl // Declare any non-default types here with import statements interface ICalculator { int add(int x,int y); int sub(int x,int y); } AidlService.java public class AidlService extends Service { private static final String TAG = "AI...

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