Tutorial by Examples: c

When creating a std::unique_lock, there are three different locking strategies to choose from: std::try_to_lock, std::defer_lock and std::adopt_lock std::try_to_lock allows for trying a lock without blocking: { std::atomic_int temp {0}; std::mutex _mutex; std::thread t( [&...
/** * Set a custom add to cart URL to redirect to * @return string */ function custom_add_to_cart_redirect() { return 'http://www.yourdomain.com/your-page/'; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'custom_add_to_cart_redirect' );
Recursive mutex allows the same thread to recursively lock a resource - up to an unspecified limit. There are very few real-word justifications for this. Certain complex implementations might need to call an overloaded copy of a function without releasing the lock. std::atomic_int temp{0}; ...
std::scoped_lock provides RAII style semantics for owning one more mutexes, combined with the lock avoidance algorithms used by std::lock. When std::scoped_lock is destroyed, mutexes are released in the reverse order from which they where acquired. { std::scoped_lock lock{_mutex1,_mutex2}; ...
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Documents\* -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Documents.zip This command: Compresses all files in C:\Documents Uses Optimal compression Save the resulting archive in C:\Archives\Documents.zip -DestinationPath will add .zipif not present. -Li...
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Documents\* -Update -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Documents.zip this will add or replace all files Documents.zip with the new ones from C:\Documents
Expand-Archive -Path C:\Archives\Documents.zip -DestinationPath C:\Documents this will extract all files from Documents.zip into the folder C:\Documents
The List interface is implemented by different classes. Each of them has its own way for implementing it with different strategies and providing different pros and cons. Classes implementing List These are all of the public classes in Java SE 8 that implement the java.util.List interface: Abs...
Vertical join appends dataset B to dataset A providing both of them have similar variables. For example, we have sales for the month of Jan'17 in dataset A and sales for Feb'17 in dataset B. To create a dataset C that has sales of both Jan and Feb we use Vertical Join. PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE C AS ...
Many biological questions can be translated into a DNA sequencing problem. For instance, if you want to know the expression level of a gene you can: copy its mRNAs into complementary DNA molecules, sequence each of the resulting DNA molecules, map those sequences back to the reference genome, and th...
LRU Cache The following example code demonstrates a possible implementation of the LruCache class for caching images. private LruCache<String, Bitmap> mMemoryCache; Here string value is key for bitmap value. // Get max available VM memory, exceeding this amount will throw an // OutOfMem...
Scope is used as the "glue" that we use to communicate between the parent controller, the directive, and the directive template. Whenever the AngularJS application is bootstrapped, a rootScope object is created. Each scope created by controllers, directives and services are prototypically ...
These are my VirtualBox settings: OS Type: Linux 2.6 (I've user 64bit because my computer can support it) Virtual hard drive size: 4Gb Ram Memory: 2048 Video Memory: 8M Sound device: Sound Blaster 16. Network device: PCnet-Fast III, attached to NAT. You can also use bridged adapter, but you...
In brief: Properties make it easy to pass updates from the python side to the user interface Binding passes the changes that happened on the user interface to the python side. from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properti...
Most kivy apps start with this structure: from kivy.app import App class TutorialApp(App): def build(self): return TutorialApp().run() There is several way to go from here : All the codes below (except example 1 and 3) have the same widget and similar features, but show diffe...
Since TreeMaps and TreeSets maintain keys/elements according to their natural ordering. Therefor TreeMap keys and TreeSet elements have to comparable to one another. Say we have a custom Person class: public class Person { private int id; private String firstName, lastName; priva...
import {Http} from '@angular/http'; @Injectable() export class StudentService{ constructor(public http: Http){} getAllStudents(): Observable<Students[]>{ return this.http.get('assets/students.json') .map(res => res.json().data) } } notice ...
Before reading some code, it is important to undersand the main concepts that will help to program applications using json. Serialization: Process of converting a object into a stream of bytes that can be sent through applications. The following code can be serialized and converted into the previ...
{ "status": 200, "message": "OK", "data": [ { "name": "dignissimos", "description": "Maxime rerum molestias error a consequatur adipisci inventore corrupti.", ...
Syntax: FormatConditions.Add(Type, Operator, Formula1, Formula2) Parameters: NameRequired / OptionalData TypeTypeRequiredXlFormatConditionTypeOperatorOptionalVariantFormula1OptionalVariantFormula2OptionalVariant XlFormatConditionType enumaration: NameDescriptionxlAboveAverageConditionAbove av...

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