Tutorial by Examples: c

When you execute code in a notebook, an indicator will appear in the gutter to show you execution progress. Lines of code which have been sent to R are marked with dark green; lines which have not yet been sent to R are marked with light green. Executing Multiple Chunks Running or Re-Running indiv...
You can also update R from within R by using a handy package called installr. Open R Console (NOT RStudio, this doesn't work from RStudio) and run the following code to install the package and initiate update. install.packages("installr") library("installr") updateR()
Once the installation is finished click the Finish button. Now it asks if you want to copy your packages fro the older version of R to Newer version of R. Once you choose yes all the package are copied to the newer version of R. After that you can choose if you still want to keep the old package...
You can update your installed packages once the updating of R is done. Once its done Restart R and enjoy exploring.
You can check R Version using the console version
import pip command = 'install' parameter = 'selenium' second_param = 'numpy' # You can give as many package names as needed switch = '--upgrade' pip.main([command, parameter, second_param, switch]) Only needed parameters are obligatory, so both pip.main(['freeze']) and pip.main(['freeze'...
When you use python file as module there is no need always check if package is installed but it is still useful for scripts. if __name__ == '__main__': try: import requests except ImportError: print("To use this module you need 'requests' module") t ...
Many packages for example on version 3.4 would run on 3.6 just fine, but if there are no distributions for specific platform, they can't be installed, but there is workaround. In .whl files (known as wheels) naming convention decide whether you can install package on specified platform. Eg. scikit_l...
Initializing data structure #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ei.h> Encoding number #include <stdio.h> #include <ei.h> int main() { } Encoding atom Encoding tuple Encoding list Encoding map
Filter expressions cannot include Filter Objects. This is very important. If you decide to form your filters with Filter Expression, you use array of string arrays. The following syntax is wrong: // WRONG!!! var f1 = search.createFilter({ name: 'mainline', operator: searc...
iPhone App import WatchConnectivity and conform to WCSessionDelegate. use the static session delegate via WCSession.default(). Send data to Watch app using: WCSession.default().sendMessage(message, replyHandler:_ errorHandler:_) The message object should be a dictionary of type [Stri...
WatchKit App import WatchConnectivity and conform to WCSessionDelegate. use the static session delegate via WCSession.default(). Send data to the iPhone app using: WCSession.default().sendMessage(message, replyHandler:_ errorHandler:_) The message object should be a dictionary of typ...
One of the important areas of NLP is the matching of text objects to find similarities. Important applications of text matching includes automatic spelling correction, data de-duplication and genome analysis etc. A number of text matching techniques are available depending upon the requirement...
In this Stack Overflow question, user txtechhelp found an issue with the ^ character which could cause a security issue. Cause anyInvaildCommand ^ Note: Make sure the caret(^) is the last character! Any extra CR\LF won't work at all! The caret looks for the next character to escape. However,...
Two main techniques allow passing data between GUI functions and Callbacks: setappdata/getappdata and guidata (read more about it). The former should be used for larger variables as it is more time efficient. The following example tests the two methods' efficiency. A GUI with a simple button is cre...
ifconfig The above command will show all active interface of the machine and also give the information of IP address assign to interface MAC address of the interface Broadcast address Transmit and Receive bytes Some example ifconfig -a The above command also show the disable interfac...
Let's say that whenever someone visits a profile page in Bob's website, the following URL is fetched: https://example.com/api/users/1234/profiledata.json With a response like this: { "name": "Bob", "description": "Likes pie & security holes.&quot...
Code Block TypeGlobal NamespaceLocal NamespaceModulen.s. for the modulesame as globalScript (file or command)n.s. for __main__same as globalInteractive commandn.s. for __main__same as globalClass definitionglobal n.s. of containing blocknew namespaceFunction bodyglobal n.s. of containing blocknew na...
This code example creates a UDP client then sends "Hello World" across the network to the intended recipient. A listener does not have to be active, as UDP Is connectionless and will broadcast the message regardless. Once the message is sent, the clients work is done. byte[] data = Enco...

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