Tutorial by Examples

ID selectors select DOM elements with the targeted ID. To select an element by a specific ID in CSS, the # prefix is used. For example, the following HTML div element… <div id="exampleID"> <p>Example</p> </div> …can be selected by #exampleID in CSS as sho...
URLs for links can be specified later in the document. Markdown [Text1][1] will link to the first link, and [Text2][2] to the second. You [can reuse][1] names, and give longer names [like this one][a link]. You can also link text [like this] without giving the reference an explicit name. [1]:...
Text prefixed with one to six pound signs (hash symbols, #) becomes a header <h1> through <h6>, according to how many pound signs were used. # This is a first-level (`<h1>`) header ## This is a second-level (`<h2>`) header ### And so on. This is a first-level (<h1&...
Characters for bulleted lists: * Asterisks + Plus signs - Minus signs Characters for bulleted lists: Asterisks Plus signs Minus signs Please note: For the best results you have to use the same character because as you can see in the example below different signs make the list ...
1. Lists can be nested * Four spaces - Eight spaces + Twelve spaces 2. And back Lists can be nested Four spaces Eight spaces Twelve spaces And back
Pseudo-classes are keywords which allow selection based on information that lies outside of the document tree or that cannot be expressed by other selectors or combinators. This information can be associated to a certain state (state and dynamic pseudo-classes), to locations (structural and target p...
In this example we are going to plot multiple lines onto a single axis. Additionally, we choose a different appearance for the lines and create a legend. % create sample data x = linspace(-2,2,100); % 100 linearly spaced points from -2 to 2 y1 = x.^2; y2 = 2*x.^2; y3 = 4*x.^2; ...
Creating an empty table is as simple as this: local empty_table = {} You can also create a table in the form of a simple array: local numeric_table = { "Eve", "Jim", "Peter" } -- numeric_table[1] is automatically "Eve", numeric_table[2] is "Ji...
A database snapshot is a read-only, static view of a SQL Server database (the source database). It is similar to backup, but it is available as any other database so client can query snapshot database. CREATE DATABASE MyDatabase_morning -- name of the snapshot ON ( NAME=MyDatabase_data, -- l...
If data in a source database becomes damaged or some wrong data is written into database, in some cases, reverting the database to a database snapshot that predates the damage might be an appropriate alternative to restoring the database from a backup. RESTORE DATABASE MYDATABASE FROM DATABASE_SNAP...
Here's the 'bare minimum' Arduino sketch. This can be loaded into the Arduino IDE by choosing File > Examples > 01. Basics > Bare Minimum. void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly } Code in the setup...
Here's a short example that demonstrates the setup() and loop() functions. This can be loaded into the Arduino IDE by choosing File > Examples > 01. Basics > Blink. (Note: Most Arduino boards have an LED already connected to pin 13, but you may need to add an external LED to see the effects...
docker run hello-world This will fetch the latest hello-world image from the Docker Hub (if you don't already have it), create a new container, and run it. You should see a message stating that your installation appears to be working correctly.
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay 'Hello, StackExchange!' This command tells Docker to create a container from the docker/whalesay image and run the command cowsay 'Hello, StackExchange!' in it. It should print a picture of a whale saying Hello, StackExchange! to your terminal. If the entrypoin...
Normally, a Docker container persists after it has exited. This allows you to run the container again, inspect its filesystem, and so on. However, sometimes you want to run a container and delete it immediately after it exits. For example to execute a command or show a file from the filesystem. Dock...
In this example we will write a basic program that checks the number of inputs and outputs passed to a MEX-function. As a starting point, we need to create a C++ file implementing the "MEX gateway". This is the function executed when the file is called from MATLAB. testinputs.cpp // Mat...
git add -i (or --interactive) will give you an interactive interface where you can edit the index, to prepare what you want to have in the next commit. You can add and remove changes to whole files, add untracked files and remove files from being tracked, but also select subsection of changes to put...
There are several ways to set which editor to use for committing, rebasing, etc. Change the core.editor configuration setting. $ git config --global core.editor nano Set the GIT_EDITOR environment variable. For one command: $ GIT_EDITOR=nano git commit Or for all commands run in a ...
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE ManagerId IS NULL This statement will return all Employee records where the value of the ManagerId column is NULL. The result will be: Id FName LName PhoneNumber ManagerId DepartmentId 1 James Smith 1234567890 NULL 1 SEL...
Alt-text is used by screen readers for visually impaired users and by search engines. It's therefore important to write good alt-text for your images. The text should look correct even if you replace the image with its alt attribute. For example: <!-- Incorrect --> <img src="anonymo...

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