Tutorial by Examples

A generic type is created to adapt so that the same functionallity can be accessible for different data types. Public Class SomeClass(Of T) Public Sub doSomething(newItem As T) Dim tempItem As T ' Insert code that processes an item of data type t. End Sub End Class ...
By creating an instance of the same class with a different type given, the interface of the class changes depending on the given type. Dim theStringClass As New SomeClass(Of String) Dim theIntegerClass As New SomeClass(Of Integer)
A generic class is a class who adapts to a later-given type so that the same functionality can be offered to different types. In this basic example a generic class is created. It has a sub who uses the generic type T. While programming this class, we don't know the type of T. In this case T has ...
In this example there are 2 instances created of the SomeClass Class. Depending on the type given the 2 instances have a different interface: Dim theStringClass As New SomeClass(Of String) Dim theIntegerClass As New SomeClass(Of Integer) The most famous generic class is List(of )
The possible types passed to a new instance of SomeClass must inherit SomeBaseClass. This can also be an interface. The characteristics of SomeBaseClass are accessible within this class definition. Public Class SomeClass(Of T As SomeBaseClass) Public Sub DoSomething(newItem As T) new...
Creating a new intance of a generic type can be done/checed at compile time. Public Class SomeClass(Of T As {New}) Public Function GetInstance() As T Return New T End Function End Class Or with limited types: Public Class SomeClass(Of T As {New, SomeBaseClass}) Public F...
With this line we will install all the necessary packages in one step, and the last update: pacman -Syu apache php php-apache mariadb HTTP Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Change ServerAdmin [email protected] as you need. The folder of the WEB Pages by default is ServerRoot "/etc/httpd&q...
Create new Xamarin.iOS blank project (Single View App). Right click on the "Components" folder and select "Get More Components": In search box type: "Flout Navigation" and add below component to your app: Remember also to add "Mono.Touch.D...
Gui, Add, Text,, Hello World! Gui, Show, w200 h200 return GuiClose: ExitApp
The following is an example definition for training a BatchNorm layer with channel-wise scale and bias. Typically a BatchNorm layer is inserted between convolution and rectification layers. In this example, the convolution would output the blob layerx and the rectification would receive the layerx-b...
The main change needed is to switch use_global_stats to true. This switches to using the moving average. layer { bottom: 'layerx' top: 'layerx-bn' name: 'layerx-bn' type: 'BatchNorm' batch_norm_param { use_global_stats: true # use pre-calculated average and variance } param { lr_mult...
mock-data.ts Create the mock api data export class MockData { createDb() { let mock = [ { id: '1', name: 'Object A' }, { id: '2', name: 'Object B' }, { id: '3', name: 'Object C' }, { id: '4', name: 'Object D' } ]; return {mock}; } } main.t...
mock-data.ts export class MockData { createDb() { let mock = [ { id: '1', name: 'Object A' }, { id: '2', name: 'Object B' }, { id: '3', name: 'Object C' } ]; let data = [ { id: '1', name: 'Data A' }, ...
This example shows a call of AfxBeginThread that starts the worker thread and an example worker thread procedure for that thread. // example simple thread procedure. UINT __cdecl threadProc(LPVOID rawInput) { // convert it to the correct data type. It's common to pass entire structures this ...
Joins can also be used in a DELETE statement. Given a schema as follows: CREATE TABLE Users ( UserId int NOT NULL, AccountId int NOT NULL, RealName nvarchar(200) NOT NULL ) CREATE TABLE Preferences ( UserId int NOT NULL, SomeSetting bit NOT NULL ) We can delete rows...
.populate() in Mongoose allows you to populate a reference you have in your current collection or document with the information from that collection. The previous may sound confusing but I think an example will help clear up any confusion. The following code creates two collections, User and Post: ...
Django is a full stack framework for web development. It powers some of the most popular websites on the Internet. To install the framework; use the pip tool: pip install django If you are installing this on OSX or Linux, the above command may result in a permission error; to avoid this error, ...
Django is a full stack, feature rich web development framework. It bundles a lot of functionality together to provide a common, quick and productive experience for web developers. Django projects consist of common settings, and one or more applications. Each application is a set of functionality al...
A view is any piece of code that responds to a request and returns a response. Views normally return templates along with a dictionary (called the context) which usually contains data for placeholders in the template. In django projects, views are located in the views.py module of applications. Th...
In django, a template is simply a file that contains special tags which may be replaced by data from the view. The canonical template example would be: <strong>Hello {{ name }}, I am a template!</strong> Here, the string {{ name }} identifies a placeholder that may be replaced by a ...

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