Tutorial by Examples

If the input HTML DOM is <html> <body> <a>link</a> <div class='container' id='divone'> <p class='common' id='enclosedone'>Element One</p> <p class='common' id='enclosedtwo'>Element Two</p> ...
Firebase Console information in detail Android : Firebase Analytics Example Steps For Android : Download code from the link Check FirebaseAnalyticsActivity That's all you will understand how's the firebase analytics works for the different scenario.
To convert px to em or rem you can use the following function: @function rem-calc($size, $font-size : $font-size) { $font-size: $font-size + 0px; $remSize: $size / $font-size; @return #{$remSize}rem; } @function em-calc($size, $font-size : $font-size) { $font-size: $font-siz...
In image processing applications, the bilateral filters are a special type of non-linear filters. There is a trade off between loosing structure and noise removal, because the most popular method to remove noise is Gaussian blurring which is not aware of structure of image; therefore, it also remov...
Interceptors require the IInterceptor interface. Any public method within the intercepted class will be intercepted (including getters and setters) public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor { public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) { //Calls the next method in the chain - T...
Install systemjs and plugin-typescript npm install systemjs npm install plugin-typescript NOTE: this will install typescript 2.0.0 compiler which is not released yet. For TypeScript 1.8 you have to use plugin-typescript 4.0.16 Create hello.ts file export function greeter(person: String) { ...
Installations Download and install: Java 8 - download the relevant installation from Oracle site. Activator - download zip from www.playframework.com/download and extract files to the target Play folder, for example to: c:\Play-2.4.2\activator-dist-1.3.5 sbt - download from www.sc...
Occasionally you will want to access the result of your filters from outside the ng-repeat, perhaps to indicate the number of items that have been filtered out. You can do this using as [variablename] syntax on the ng-repeat. <ul> <li ng-repeat="item in vm.listItems | filter:vm.myF...
Okay it took me about a day to figure it out so here I am posting the steps I followed to get my Database First working in a Class Project (.NET Core), with a .NET Core Web App. Step 1 - Install .NET Core Make Sure you are using .NET Core not DNX (Hint: You should be able to see the .NET Core opti...
To automatically install bower and its components, one must Specify the bower dependency in package.json: "dependencies": { "bower": "^1.7.9" } Use scripts to execute a postinstall command "scripts": { "postinstall": "./...
A daemon process executes a program in the background, usually without user interaction. The example below shows how to create a daemon and register a listener, which monitors all open applications. The main part is the function call NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop().run(), which starts the daemon. class MyO...
This serializer has some nice features that the default .net json serializer doesn't have, like Null value handling, you just need to create the JsonSerializerSettings : public static string Serialize(T obj) { string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullVa...
You can make a URI parameter optional by adding a question mark to the route parameter. You can also specify a default value by using the form parameter=value. public class BooksController : Controller { // eg: /books // eg: /books/1430210079 [Route(“books/{isbn?}”)] public Act...
Often, the routes in a controller all start with the same prefix. For example: public class ReviewsController : Controller { // eg: /reviews [Route(“reviews”)] public ActionResult Index() { … } // eg: /reviews/5 [Route(“reviews/{reviewId}”)] public ActionResult Show(i...
You can also apply the [Route] attribute on the controller level, capturing the action as a parameter. That route would then be applied on all actions in the controller, unless a specific [Route] has been defined on a specific action, overriding the default set on the controller. [RoutePrefix(“prom...
Route constraints let you restrict how the parameters in the route template are matched. The general syntax is {parameter:constraint}. For example: // eg: /users/5 [Route(“users/{id:int}”] public ActionResult GetUserById(int id) { … } // eg: users/ken [Route(“users/{name}”] public ActionRes...
Pretext This is an introduction to the Hello World program example on the Raspberry Pi written in C. The following example makes use of the command line interface and is set up as a step-by-step guide. Along with creating a Hello World program, the reader will be introduced to simple linux comman...
Provides the ratio of the current rows value to all the values within the window. --Data CREATE TABLE Employees (Name Varchar2(30), Salary Number(10)); INSERT INTO Employees Values ('Bob',2500); INSERT INTO Employees Values ('Alice',3500); INSERT INTO Employees Values ('Tom',2700); INSERT INTO...
Sending data back to the parent, to do this we simply pass a function as a prop from the parent component to the child component, and the child component calls that function. In this example, we will change the Parent state by passing a function to the Child component and invoking that function ins...
In the opening section of a bash script, it's possible to define some variables that function as helpers to color or otherwise format the terminal output during the run of the script. Different platforms use different character sequences to express color. However, there's a utility called tput whic...

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