Tutorial by Examples

$MachinesList # Array $ResourceList # Array $MachineTags # Array pseudo code $mongoDriverPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MongoDB\CSharpDriver 1.7'; Add-Type -Path "$($mongoDriverPath)\MongoDB.Bson.dll"; Add-Type -Path &qu...
A* (A star) is a search algorithm that is used for finding path from one node to another. So it can be compared with Breadth First Search, or Dijkstra’s algorithm, or Depth First Search, or Best First Search. A* algorithm is widely used in graph search for being better in efficiency and accuracy, wh...
Ember-cli first requires Node and NPM to be installed on the system. Either follow the installation instructions on nodejs.org, or use a preferred package manager (such as Homebrew on OSX.) It's recommended to install latest version of each. Once its done, run the following commands to ensure insta...
Here is the example of creating of mail message with attachments. After creating we send this message with the help of SmtpClient class. Default 25 port is used here. public class clsMail { private static bool SendMail(string mailfrom, List<string>replytos, List<string> mailtos, L...
Detailed instructions on getting collections set up or installed.
You must have installed Heroku Toolbelt first. Having an account in Heroku and installation of ember-cli-deploy are mandatory. Creating a new Heroku instance from an Ember CLI application's parent directory: $ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli.git ...
Firstly, it's required to install Microsoft’s module ember-cli-azure-deploy. You need to be in your application root directory. npm install --save-dev -g ember-cli-azure-deploy azure-deploy init If you are using Yarn package manager you can simply install by: yarn global add ember-cli-azure-de...
First, you need to install Firebase tools. Simply, run the commands below: Npm Package manager npm install -g firebase-tools or Yarn package manager yarn add firebase-tools To configure your application to be ready to deploy you need to run the following in your app’s root directory: fire...
To proceed with the deployment to S3, we will install these plugins: ember-cli-deploy-s3-index: It uploads the index.html to S3 with revision information, and activates it ember-cli-deploy-s3: It uploads the assets (js, css and other media files) to S3 As they are Ember addon you can easily i...
Open Visual Studio 2015, navigate to Tools → Extensions → Online and search for Antlr. Download the extension ANTLR Language Support (Created by Sam Harwell) and restart Visual Studio. Create new Console Application Project. Right click on the Solution → Manage Nuget Packages for Solution → Brows...
The exchange methods of RestTemplate allows you specify a HttpEntity that will be written to the request when execute the method. You can add headers (such user agent, referrer...) to this entity: public void testHeader(final RestTemplate restTemplate){ //Set the headers you need send ...
XML <Deborah> <address>Dark world</address> <master>Babadi</master> <ID>#0</ID> <colour>red</colour> <side>evil</side> </Deborah> XPATH boolean(/Deborah/master/text()) OR string(/Deborah/master...
XML <Dobby> <address>Hogwartz</address> <master></master> <colour>wheatish</colour> <side>all good</side> </Dobby> XPATH boolean(/Dobby/master/text()) OR string(/Dobby/master) != '' OUTPUT false
The Angular CLI command-line interface has AoT compilation support since beta 17. To build your app with AoT compilation, simply run: ng build --prod --aot
Whitelisting won't disable the doze mode for your app, but you can do that by using network and hold-wake locks. Whitelisting an Android application programmatically can be done as follows: boolean isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations = pm.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(getPackageName()); if(!isIgnorin...
From android 6.0 this permission needs to grant dynamically, <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/> Throwing below permission denied error on 6.0, Caused by: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window android.view.ViewRoo...
here you can find the functions. With the table wf_example created in previous example, run: select i , dense_rank() over (order by i) , row_number() over () , rank() over (order by i) from wf_example The result is: i | dense_rank | row_number | rank ---+------------+------------+-...
The Lorenz model describes the dynamics of three state variables, X, Y and Z. The model equations are: The initial conditions are: and a, b and c are three parameters with library(deSolve) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define...
library(deSolve) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define R-function ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LV <- function(t, y, parms) { with(as.list(c(y, parms)), { dP &l...
library(deSolve) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define parameters and variables ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- eps <- 0.01; M <- 10 k <- M * eps^2/2 L <- 1 L0 <- 0.5 ...

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